I really like this one so far. I keep expecting my former, non-adagio black creme chocolate-mint tea when I drink this, but this is what the posh folks are drinking in their Christmas jammies and robes watching the lights sparkle on the trees when the kids are in bed. It’s mildly sweet, and smells incredible. It tastes so much higher quality than my non-adagio tea, and I know that it seems to have been designed for a mellow tone (which it delivers in spades rather than BOOM, this is chocolate mint!!! : D ). The only thing I can think of as a thing I’ll need to try in the future is to add a creme note to it, but I worry that might dilute the flavor. This is a beautiful, awesome mild after-dinner chocolate-mint mellow, and I really treasure it for the composed and refined work that it is. (Not to mention- I am smitten with this adorable little tin, and the art is gorgeous!) I love this tea.