Tea type
Green Herbal Blend
Blue Cornflowers, Chamomile, Green Tea, Natural Bergamot Oil, Orange
Anise, Bergamot, Cream, Vegetal
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Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 45 sec 3 g 12 oz / 354 ml

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  • “Everyone is having fun watching the Oscars and I’m stuck in the apartment working on my papers and presentations. Like what. No. This is not okay. I’ve legit been in the same spot for the longest...” Read full tasting note
  • “I wasn’t sure about this tea at first, but it is very good. The green isn’t harsh at all, and the chamomile blends with it very well. It tastes like it has honey in it. A very soothing tea.” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown (138/145)! Thank you VariaTEA and jump62359 by extension for the sample! I find the idea behind this tea to be really, really interesting. Green tea seems like a good obvious choice for the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I grew up reading comic books, including the Incredible Hulk comics. Comic books were just part of the deal in my house. My oldest brother bought them with his newspaper route money, & then...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

A calming tea on the surface, but with an overwhelming green force brewing below.

Based on characters owned by Marvel/Disney. This tea blend is created purely for my own enjoyment.

Created by: Cara McGee

Ingredients: green tea, green pekoe, chamomile, orange, natural bergamot flavor & blue cornflowers

Steeping Instructions: Steep at 180° for 2-3 minutes.

About Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee View company

Company description not available.

12 Tasting Notes

726 tasting notes

Everyone is having fun watching the Oscars and I’m stuck in the apartment working on my papers and presentations.
Like what.
This is not okay.
I’ve legit been in the same spot for the longest time and I think I’ve finally finished that 40page paper due on tuesday and I’ve finished the presentation as well.
Now I’m working on my like 5-7 page paper plus the presentation (which I haven’t even started yet) that’s going on on Wednesday.
I’m not the absolute biggest fan of chamomile but I feel like I needed some Bruce Banner to help tame the angry beast inside me.

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16 tasting notes

I wasn’t sure about this tea at first, but it is very good. The green isn’t harsh at all, and the chamomile blends with it very well. It tastes like it has honey in it. A very soothing tea.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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16358 tasting notes

Sipdown (138/145)!

Thank you VariaTEA and jump62359 by extension for the sample!

I find the idea behind this tea to be really, really interesting. Green tea seems like a good obvious choice for the The Hulk but given this is named after Bruce all the light, calming, soothing stuff in it is just even greater a touch because inner peace is truly was BB strives for to prevent Hulking out, is it not? Just saying; this was well thought out.

Flavour wise, it was actually pretty solid considering it’s basically comprised of stuff I don’t like or am really touchy about: green tea, chamomile…

It had a nice, thicker and rich mouthfeel and a steady, light vegetalness to it accented with soothing and calming notes of cream, anise, and bergamot. The flavour of the chamomille was very present, but not awful like I was a little worried it’d be. I drank this one late at night and enjoyed it greatly. I was a little sad when I reached the bottom of the cup.

I wouldn’t order this one: it’s comprised of things I’m not a huge fan of and don’t typically crave; and I do have DT’s Bravissimo in fair quantity and it’s kinda similar – but I would drink this again, and I think it’s well thought out and well blended.

Flavors: Anise, Bergamot, Cream, Vegetal

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3294 tasting notes

I grew up reading comic books, including the Incredible Hulk comics. Comic books were just part of the deal in my house. My oldest brother bought them with his newspaper route money, & then they trickled down to the rest of us. I loved Bill Bixby, I love Edward Norton, & I love Mark Ruffalo, so of course, I love Bruce Banner, who doesn’t? Super smart, sensitive, & good looking, with a side of tortured psyche. Did you know his father was a mean alcoholic? He was screwed from the start: an emotionally shut down introvert, haunted by an abusive past, a ticking time-bomb of rage.
Then he became the Hulk.
How poetic, right?

So it doesn’t surprise me in the least, that the main component of this tea is chamomile. Poor guy, trying desperately to ‘maintain’, as we used to always say way back in my trippy hippy days. “Maintain, Dude!”

Personally, the bergamot green doesn’t really complete this blend, IMO. I know green tea can help with anxiety, but I think if I was doing a blend for Bruce Banner, it would be chamomile, lemon balm, hops, no caffeine whatsoever, maybe a little lavender (but not too much), a little lemon peel, & a large dose of Valerian Root!! I love my Valerian!

Still, good to try, as I am a fan of Cara McGee’s blends, at least some of them, so I thank Sil for sending it to me, & Schmiracles for sending it to her!
Oh, & this is my daily sipdown! 389


Lol, I think I’m gonna bring back your “maintain dude” expression to life, love it! I can just picture teenagers telling that to their parents ;-)

In other news: OMG, you’re at 389? I feel much better with my small 354 now, thanks!

Terri HarpLady

“Maintain, man, Mellow out!”
That was the classic thing all the teenagers that were wasted & trying not to explode into hysterical laughter whispered when to each other when their parents walked into the room.
“Man…shhhh…(to the person that was laughing uncontrollably)”
As if their parents didn’t know…


I agree, “Maintain, dude” needs to come back. We can do this!

Also, my eye was caught by “Bruce Banner” in your text, and I started reading without catching the tea name. I was thoroughly confused by the sudden switch from the Hulk to chamomile until I looked up, hehe.

Terri HarpLady

I think those of us who drink teas until we’re fairly buzzed can easily bring back “maintain…”, and for a special treat, I think you should both imagine Nicholas Cage saying it…
LOL, because I just heard him say it in my head, & it was perfect!

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2291 tasting notes

Ok. Green earl grey and chamomile and just what.

Smells like chamomile and oranges, which I can get behind.

Tastes like chamomile.

Sweetened with honey.

I’d honestly rather mix up my own chamomile blend with orange peels and marshmallow root and maybe some lavender or lemongrass. It’s not that this is bad, not by any stretch of the imagination, it’s just… easy. Which I suppose Dr. Banner might be into. But chamomile flowers and orange peels are easy too! And I don’t think the antioxidants in the green tea are gonna help with the gamma radiation there, big guy.

(Thanks, Shmiracles! Much appreciated. :) )

165 °F / 73 °C 2 min, 15 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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6444 tasting notes

Yet another pleasant surprise. Each time I have a cup, I find myself shocked at how much I am enjoying it. There are so many components I typically don’t like and yet together, they make one delicious cup.

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1598 tasting notes

Mmmmm…. this mostly tastes like chamomile. I get that it’s because Bruce needs to stay calm so he doesn’t hulk out but it totally goes against the “I’m always angry” reveal in Avengers.

So it’s a good, soothing tea but not one I would crave often. Maybe before bed?

But the hulk should totally be an always angry tea I think.


What would you put in an always angry tea, though? :)


^All the peppers. Maybe a touch of chocolate, but mostly peppers.


Haha. That was my first thought too, Dustin. Just. A bag with chili pieces in it. :)


And maybe some tiny razor blades to add insult to injury, or in this case injury to peppers?


Yes! Peppers! Or something that will jolt you awake or something…


Hmm… Now I’m thinking of something with puerh and toasted mate and chili and… vanilla? IDK.

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15257 tasting notes

i kind of like the idea of bruce banner being green with a side of chamomile giggling This isn’t a bad blend, but mostly it’s full of chamomile. This is a very calming blend and a nice almost end cap to the day. Relaxing and drinking this with my other tea and watching a bit of tv before tucking in to bed. yay for the weekend… (oh and thank you shmiracles for this one!)

Sami Kelsh

Does the earl grey come through in this at all? The combination of earl grey and chamomile intrigues me.


not to me.. and i’m not a fan of blergamot lol

Sami Kelsh

I am so happy that blergamot is a word now. My better half says that earl grey tastes like dishwater. Strangely, I haven’t wanted to drink plain earl grey in at least 10 years, but there are a few blends with it that I’m fond of. But blergamot just makes me giggle so much!


i just have to say..if in 25 years it’s in the dictionary…i will laugh like there’s no tomorrow ;)

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813 tasting notes

so this is my last avengers tea to review. is this my last avengers tea to review?

i got it from jump62359 and it was a great plan cuz the tea is available on the west coast but they are all sold out at the warehouse on the east coat. i sent her half a bag of Loki and she sent me half a bag of Banner. and Hulk!Bruce is the one to bring Loki down in the end, so it was kinda a poetic plan :)

of all the avengers blends the ones i’ve bought more of are Coulson, Thor, and Steve.
Coulson and Thor are both mate & tea blends and i think i’m just in a toasted mate mood these days. earthy and dark. and hell, the Steve blend is just freakin delicious.

Bruce Banner’s tea is bit too mild for what i see Bruce’s character as. in the movie, with his few lines and introduction, he pretty much exudes a low level bitterness and random distrust at all times. and if you like difficult things you like him! a difficult feely nerd. with a lot of self blame and sardonic charm. (they really did a pretty good job of letting you get to know all the Avengers with a relatively small amount of screen time for each to do it in didn’t they?)

so ya, the tea is fine. good for a late afternoon or pre-dinner cup. but idk about the chamomile.


i’m gonna put this here because you will need this someday and i have found it for you:
The Avengers Drinking Game

The Captain America Drinking Game


Thank you, and thank you! (I see copperbadge and know I MUST dl!)


“the Steve blend is just freakin delicious” = me almost spitting out my matcha hot chocolate. Thank you for that image. :D :D


I felt like this made a slightly decent Bruce tea, but not a Hulk tea… though the chamomile made it a whole lot more mellow than Bruce should be.
It needs to be more of a punch-you-in-the-face-because-of-my-brilliant-brains-and-smarts tea, rather than a look-at-me-frolicking-in-a-field-of-flowers tea hahha

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