Tea type
Black Fruit Green Blend
Assam Melody, Black Tea, Blue Cornflowers, Blueberry, Ceylon Sonata, Green Tea, Natural Bergamot Oil, Natural Flavours, Orange, Raspberry Leaves
Earl Grey
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From Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

Bittersweet, old fashioned without being able to help it, and just a touch of the TARDIS still lingering. Farewell, Ponds….

Please excuse me I’m just going to cry for forever. I need a comfort tea. I need all of the comfort tea. Brew this strong, drink with lots of milk and sugar, and try not to cry into your cup. Doctor Who and the Ponds belong to the BBC. My tears and my art belong to me.

Created by: Cara McGee

Ingredients: green tea, assamRead more

About Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee View company

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11 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

Sipdown #2
My son Drew & I LOVE Dr Who (& who on steepster doesn’t, may I ask?)
So of course, we had to have this blend last season, sob…
The boys & I are in sipdown mode, so Leif made a nice big pot of this to drink during breakfast with our pancakes, & it was spot on! Slightly bold from the Irish brekky, a little blueberry, & little earl green. Fruity, tangy, & daring! I loved Amy & Rory… ;_; I miss them…

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Tamm 12 years ago

I miss them too ;_; I liked them much more than the newer episodes so far.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

The new companion is a cutie, & I’ve heard we’ll be getting a new Dr…

TeaLady441 12 years ago

A new Dr? Oh man. Oh man! I thought they’d do something fancy for the 50th anniversary but I didn’t know if they would go that route.

I’m about 2-3 episodes behind though. I better catch up soooon.

Tamm 12 years ago

Really? O.o Matt S. has been it for a long time now!

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

I’m also a couple of episodes behind. We don’t have cable or satellite, so we watch the episodes on the internet. As for a new Dr, that’s what my son told me, based on stuff he read online I think…we’ll see! :D

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Exciting. I love Matt Smith, but I’m open to change!

Tamm 12 years ago

They have so many great British actors right now that I’m sure whoever they pick will be great! I’m one episode behind atm.

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Matt Smith as grown on me, but I LOVED David Tennant :)

Tamm 12 years ago

Oh, me too! I watched Matt Smith’s first though, oddly.

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60 tasting notes

Had a cup this morning at work. God why am I such a sucker for earl grey blends.

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Em 12 years ago

You’re probably more of a sucker for Doctor Who :) Earl grey is always a great choice!

Valerie 12 years ago

Shhhhhh, I think it’s both. :S

TeaLady441 12 years ago

I love that you have those Doctor Who fandom blends!!! :O I was tempted, especially by the pretty tins, but couldn’t really justify it… :|

Shmiracles 12 years ago

i have to admit, i have over 20 other teas but the Adagio Blends that i have do tend to stand out in my collection.

Shmiracles 12 years ago

i’m gonna maybe try the Smaug Tea, as soon as i make a dent in my current collection. :)

Valerie 12 years ago

Cavo: I’m happy to send you some samples if you like! :D I saw you’re in BC like me~
Shmiracles: I have a cart ready on Adagio. It has: Mollomar, Sailor Moon, Q (all Cara M blends), Sam Winchester, and Butterbeer. Sooooo tempted!

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1598 tasting notes

I’m rating this tea… which means that I finally watched Farewell Ponds. ;___: No surprises there.

Well maybe a few. I knew what was going to happen, I knew that the episodes leading up to this were hinting at endings, yet I still teared up during a few moments of the show. OH MAN I AM A SUCKER FOR DOCTOR WHO.

I want to buy some TARDIS tea as well. Why does it have to be so expensive to ship to Canada. Basically $9 of tea will cost me $31 with the shipping. WHUT?!? So I won’t be getting any time soon, and I won’t be getting any Farewell Ponds either. I liked this tea as a nice mild blend but I was too busy watching the episodee to really enjoy the tea.

I’ll update this when I try the last bit of my sample. :|

And guys, don’t hate me, but I am happy to see Amy and Rory go. They were great. I love them, and I like that they spent 10+ years with the Doctor in their lives. But I’m afraid that it would have gotten very stale had they kept the Ponds in the show for much longer.

Isaila 12 years ago

I guess I agree. They had spent so much time with him, and they were ready to leave. I still cried throughout this episode though…

Crowkettle 12 years ago

I got teary eyed too, I’ll admit, but I agree 100% about it being time. And those shipping costs are intimidating!

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299 tasting notes
TeaLady441 12 years ago

Was that for the tea being awful, or what it stood for? :P

Ozli 12 years ago

Definitely the tea! D:

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 131/365!

DANG IT. I knew I should have reviewed this when I drank it. I know it was tasty, but I’m completely drawing a blank on what the flavours were. Even reading the ingredients list is not jogging my memory (green EG, irish breakfast, blueberry). I’m never a huge fan of green/black blends, but I brewed as a green and that seemed to work. Ugh. I just know that I did indeed enjoy it. Thanks… I’m not sure who :/ (Terri, I think, reading tasting notes!)

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58 tasting notes

I’m told this is connected with Dr Who. I’m working my way slowly through the series and haven’t gotten to the relevant part of it, so I’ll just review the tea.

It’s listed as a blueberry Earl Grey. It smells lovely but isn’t overly assertive as either. The scent of blueberries is noticeable in the dry herbs but fades once the tea is brewed. It becomes a homogenous blend and I don’t notice the blueberry or the bergamot.
Still, this is a pleasant enough brew with which to wake myself in the morning. It has become very familiar and comfortable (like a regular character on a TV show, I suppose), and is a go- to among my loose teas, many of which I haven’t sampled yet and really don’t feel like reviewing due to my backlog. Some days the unfamiliar is a bit angst provoking and it’s easier to go with a known factor.

It is not a tea I would go out of my way to order, yet it is pleasant enough, particularly on rainy days. I’m enjoying it slowly as the icy days of Winter give way to the rains of Spring and am considering making my final sip-down a cold brew.

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553 tasting notes

Cooking TTB

This is definitely an Adagio Earl Grey blend. A pretty tasty one at that. Not sure I’d need to have more. I don’t taste the blueberry in it. This would be a good breakfast blend. It’s got that bold wake up sort of flavor. Just have to sip it down before it cools. Adagio blends tend to get bitter then.

Flavors: Earl Grey

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