Tea type
Black Herbal Rooibos Blend
Apple Pieces, Dried Cherries, Hibiscus Flowers, Honeybush, Lapsang Souchong, Natural Vanilla Flavor, Natural Wild Cherry Flavor, Rose Hips
Campfire, Oats, Smoke, Smoked, Thick, Ash, Berries, Butter, Leather, Stonefruit, Tobacco, Vanilla, Wood, Cherry, Cookie, Oak
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 7 oz / 207 ml

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47 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Last time I had this I was really sick, so I left it unrated in case my sense of taste way really off. I have to say though it tastes exactly the same, which is to say it takes nearly...” Read full tasting note
  • “This smells like a ????. Perfect Irene. It smells interesting. Not good, not bad, just weird…hazelnut and honeybush and cherry and lapsang aren’t something I’d think to mix together. And steeped,...” Read full tasting note
  • “Typically I don’t like smokey teas so when Roswell Strange snuck this into our swap I was simultaneously excited (because I love Sherlock and want all the Sherlock blends even though a bunch don’t...” Read full tasting note
  • ““Brainy’s the new sexy.” this tea is kindof similar to the 221Tea blend. which was very weird but at the same time totally enjoyable. the cup has an edginess and wispy darkness about it that suits...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee

Incredibly seductive to any man (or woman): the scent of fresh cookies, hints of cherry, and just a whiff of smoke.

Inspired by BBC’s Sherlock, which I am in no way affiliated with. This is created purely for my own enjoyment.

Created by: Cara McGee

Ingredients: honeybush tea, lapsang souchong, rose hips, hibiscus, natural vanilla flavor, apple pieces, natural wild cherry flavor & cherries

Steeping Instructions: Steep at 212° for 5 minutes.

About Adagio Custom Blends, Cara McGee View company

Company description not available.

47 Tasting Notes

17045 tasting notes

Last time I had this I was really sick, so I left it unrated in case my sense of taste way really off. I have to say though it tastes exactly the same, which is to say it takes nearly indescribable.

It’s odd because it’s smokey and savoury from the lapsang and then sweet from the vanilla/cherry. Ultimately, it’s really quite perfect as Irene Adler’s blend, though.

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323 tasting notes

This smells like a ????. Perfect Irene. It smells interesting. Not good, not bad, just weird…hazelnut and honeybush and cherry and lapsang aren’t something I’d think to mix together. And steeped, it has that same perplexing aroma.

I suppose that’s accurate.

It’s actually really good. The honeybush and lapsang are sort of sweetly smoky, and the cherry gives a bit of a bright softness. Irene’s one of my favorite characters, and I’m glad I like this tea!

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

There’s a whole series by Carole Nelson Douglas that features Irene as a detective, narrated by her loyal and always-shocked companion/chaperone. First one, I think, is “Good Night, Mr. Holmes.” Good cuddle-up-under-a-blankie reads.

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6444 tasting notes

Typically I don’t like smokey teas so when Roswell Strange snuck this into our swap I was simultaneously excited (because I love Sherlock and want all the Sherlock blends even though a bunch don’t sound like something I would like) and hesitant (because the whole package smelled smokey). However, I figured if Roswell Strange was generous enough to share, I should at least give the tea a fighting chance. Plus, what’s Irene Adler without her overt femininity and just a touch of smoke?

When I take the sip, first thing I taste is that smokiness but it is immediately followed by a sweet vanilla cherry. I actually don’t even mind the smokiness because I feel as though it really makes for a unique and complex tea. It truly is Irene Adler in a cup and honestly, it is really quite good. Thank you Roswell Strange for including this. You forced me to try something I wouldn’t normally and I ended up really enjoying it. I am quite glad I have more of this to enjoy :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Roswell Strange

I know you’re not a fan of smokey or overtly rooibos – but I figured I’d gamble since I know you love Sherlock :P I was pleasantly surprised with this too. I tastes good, and also perfectly captures the character. And we both decided to drink it today :P


Of course we did. Haha. I am glad you shared it. If it were not Sherlock inspired, I may not have tried it though (which is dumb but the truth).

Roswell Strange

Also, I’m happy because I don’t think you’ve had many misses from this most recent swap! Yay!


Although, if you shared, I probably would have eventually tried it but I am guessing it would have taken a lot longer for me to get around to doing so.


I think most teas have been a success. I think we have swapped so much, we are getting better at knowing what the other does/does not like.

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814 tasting notes

“Brainy’s the new sexy.”

this tea is kindof similar to the 221Tea blend. which was very weird but at the same time totally enjoyable.

the cup has an edginess and wispy darkness about it that suits Mrs Adler very well. this blend is almost a balancing act between a clever and feminine flair (honeybush vanilla), a passionate and daring heart (dewy cherry), and a devious and calculating temper (lapsang souchong).

the problem is that this tea has less lapsang in it. but also has just as much hibiscus. it’s very low caffeine since it’s mostly honeybush so it was a good tea for late at night sipping. and the blend itself if very creative because i think anytime anyone is daring enough to add fruit flavors to a lapsang they get points. but i’m glad i’m splitting this sample tin with moraiwe so i get to try it but don’t have to slog through the ounces. (what a great plan we made! we are brilliant!)

“I don’t understand”
“Try to.”
“Because you cater to the whims of the pathetic and take your clothes off to make an impression. Stop boring me and think. It’s the new sexy.”

Roswell Strange

This one, imo, perfectly captures her character.


i do LOVE that about a good blend. i can review the tea on two levels – is the tea tasty, and is the tea an accurate representation!?
and i agree with you! completely. (i’m even gonna update my note to elaborate)


Bendict delivers his lines so fast that there is so much brilliance I miss while still lost of deciphering the last sentence! I need subtitles to keep up with that show.

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248 tasting notes

How have I not done a review of this? I’ve had it at least 2 or 3 times. This was given to me in a swap by Michelle, so thanks again!

I really like this. I like that I can drink it in the afternoon without worrying about a whole lot of caffeine, just whatever the lapsang brings and based on the leaves there isn’t a whole lot. However, what little there is brings a lovely campfire smell to the tea with hints of cherry and a honey base. Yum. The tea looks light but has a solid feel. Cara picks these blends really well, all of the ones I’ve had of hers just have perfectly mingling flavors. They are hard to describe but it works wonderfully.

Tea: 2 heaping teaspoons
Water: 16 oz
Additives: None

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

I love this one! I cannot wait until it comes back in stock :)

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105 tasting notes

The way this tea smells in the bag is woody, with a lingering of sweetness. There is also a smokiness that reminds me of a fireplace or the way the air smells after firing a gun. The taste is incredibly unique. The first flavor I noticed was a slightly sour cherry taste that blended smoothly with the smoky, woody flavors I expected.

I think it perfectly captures this character… Maybe I should rewatch ‘A Scandal in Belgravia’


i love my sherlock blends!!
and though i’ll probably never order irene, i’m super glad to know that it is an accurate and delicious tea she’s been given.
(the sherlock one is easily one of my favorites. and i’m also a lapsang fan.)


Why won’t your ever order this one? Which other Sherlock ones are good? None of them really jumped out at me (except for this one)


well i like the Sherlock one (lapsang souchong, assam melody, oriental spice) A LOT A LOT. and my sister is a huge fan of the Watson (irish breakfast, cinnamon, earl grey green). I also have Reichenbach Recovery and The Mind & The Heart. and they are nice but i can’t really recall them now so lets say they don’t really make a lasting impression and leave it at that.
now that i look at it I probably would consider getting this Irene tea. because my absolutely favorite lapsang blend is Smaug also created by Cara McGee and it has lapsang souchong, candy cane, and ginger x2 in it. which sounds like it would never work but my goodness i’ll probably never meet another cup like it. a bold lapsang blend is very appealing to me.
i’ll add The Woman to my list to buy right now.


(i just don’t like any versions of her character is all)


Haha not liking the character is a pretty good reason. Is the cinnamon in the Watson blend very strong? How about the oriental spice in Sherlock? Those are two things that I don’t really love in large amounts which is why I didn’t order them, but if they are subtle I may have to make another order lol.

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2994 tasting notes

Yeah, I dislike smokey teas. I’ll still drink up te remainder of my sample, but I don’t like the savoury smoked pine flavour. It just reminds me of smoked salmon and those smoking chips I use to smoke things. It is drinkable with milk, but I wouldn’t ever buy this.

Flavors: Campfire, Oats, Smoke, Smoked, Thick

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15631 tasting notes

treat from VariaTEA wasn’t sure about this one but it somehow works. Vanilla, smokey cherry…an interesting blend for sure. I don’t need this in my cupboard but i love these fan blends :) thanks for sharing madam!

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4348 tasting notes

Mastress Alita’s January sipdown challenge Tea #9: A tea paired with a hobby

I went the lazy route and went with a bookish tea, a Sherlock tea!  Though now that I’m realizing, I don’t think “the Woman” was actually part of Sherlock’s books?  Oops.  Anyway, one of my hobbies is reading and I couldn’t think of any other teas that could possibly represent a hobby…  this is an interesting blend, though faded now.  Fruity, smoky.
2022 sipdowns: 11


Irene Adler is in the books (A Scandal in Bohemia), but she’s a client, if i’m remembering correctly, and the mistress of the King of Bohemia and former opera singer. It’s been about 8 years since I read through the complete Sherlock Holmes, so i’m not certain what happens about the missing photograph, But she’s definitely in the books!


oh cool, totally forgot about that, read it a while ago. :D


hehe.. I also found custom adagio fandom blends for this challenge :)


There’s a spinoff/pastiche series written by Carole Nelson Douglas that features Irene Adler and her easily scandalized companion/ladies maid. The first one is “Good Night, Mr. Holmes.” Been a while since I’ve read them…but there they are on my bookshelf, now begging for a revisit!


(The scandal in Bohemia is resurrected in that series.)


I just looked the Carole Nelson series up, I had never heard of them before. I have about half the OG sherlock books to get through yet!


My favorite of the tribute series features Holmes in his golden years along with Mary Russell, a young American—Laurie R. King is the author and it begins with “The Beekeeper’s Apprentice.” Not all of them are stellar, but there are some real winners in the series—Mycroft is in many of them, as is Mrs. Hudson, the housekeeper.

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2238 tasting notes

This one is at work with me again. I figured the best way to finish up the last 4 Sherlock teas would be to leave them on my desk, and so far I’ve been right. I’m really enjoying this one today – the cherry is really prominent, and there’s a wonderful sweet creaminess from the vanilla honeybush. The smoke is very muted, which is how I prefer it. I’m not sure why I waited so long to try this one – there was nothing to be scared of after all. Much like a meeting with The Woman herself, perhaps? Or maybe not. Either way, I’ll miss this one when it’s gone! It would be a potential repurchase, if only I had less tea. Ah, one day…

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp

“She’s a killer queen, Gunpowder, gelatine, Dynamite with a laser beam, Guaranteed to blow your mind… Anytime!”

Just what your review made me think of, lol.

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