Tea type
Black Tea
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Caramel, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Nuts
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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12 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thanks to Cavocorax for sending me this along with a bunch of other Adagio teas to try! Decided to have this this morning as I watched a couple more episodes of Hannibal, season 2. This show...” Read full tasting note
  • “I attempted to watch Hannibal when it first premiered and just didn’t get into it. However, Cavocorax’s excitement about the show in addition to the excitement of other steepsterites piqued my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another sample from Cavo. XD This one is….strange. I really have no better words for it. It smells strange, like old chocolate and nuts, but not in an unpleasant way. Just odd. Taste wise it’s also...” Read full tasting note
  • “I really wanted to like this tea, since today is all about migraines, disappointment, depression, rain, and Monday… and I got caramel, yay! The caramel and hazelnut overpowers the chocolate and...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends, Aun-Juli Riddle

Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me. Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me.Help me. This is my design.

Blended with black tea, natural caramel flavor, natural hazelnut flavor, natural creme flavor, cocoa nibs, natural chocolate flavor, natural vanilla flavor

Teas: cream, hazelnut, tiger eye
Accented with cinnamon and cocoa nibs

Steep at 212° for 3 mins

About Adagio Custom Blends, Aun-Juli Riddle View company

Company description not available.

12 Tasting Notes

652 tasting notes

Thanks to Cavocorax for sending me this along with a bunch of other Adagio teas to try!

Decided to have this this morning as I watched a couple more episodes of Hannibal, season 2.
This show grosses me out so bad!! Awesome.

The tea…..not sure why but I’m getting coffee bean taste. It reminds me of Davidstea’s Chocolate Rocket minus the raspberries and with some cinnamon.

No one else has mentioned the presence of coffee beans so I must be mad. I even thought I saw half a coffee bean in the dry mix. Losing it!

So all in all, it was an enjoyable cup of tea but not one I’d buy. I think I’d prefer a tastier base.

This seemed a bit watery, though I definitely used lots of leaf!

Thanks for letting me try it, Cavo!

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6444 tasting notes

I attempted to watch Hannibal when it first premiered and just didn’t get into it. However, Cavocorax’s excitement about the show in addition to the excitement of other steepsterites piqued my interest and so yesterday I started from the beginning. Now, I am almost done the first season because it is just that good. And this tea is the perfect compliment to the show. It is a very deep and rich tea that is just a little bit dark while simultaneously being sweet. It really is a great cup so thank you Cavocorax for both sharing the tea and inspiring me to give the show a second chance.


Oh MAN the season 2 finale is worth watching it all.


Yes! Another convert! Bwahahahah.
I really love the show, but man is it weird. Will weirds it up so much. I wonder whatll happen if/when they finally get to Clarice Starling and she’s just a regular detective without empathy visions?

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224 tasting notes

Another sample from Cavo. XD
This one is….strange. I really have no better words for it. It smells strange, like old chocolate and nuts, but not in an unpleasant way. Just odd.
Taste wise it’s also strange. Kinda nutty I guess. And that could be chocolate if I ponder on it. But generally it’s all kinda vague/bland/there-ish.
I can say that this was one of the few teas I’ve had with the cinnamon accent in it where the cinnamon didn’t take over and scream HERE I AM! XD
So I guess overall this one was a ‘glad I tried it but still a no-go’ sort of tea. But still…strange.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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103 tasting notes

I really wanted to like this tea, since today is all about migraines, disappointment, depression, rain, and Monday… and I got caramel, yay! The caramel and hazelnut overpowers the chocolate and vanilla that I am less fond of, and it’s sweet without being too sweet. So I’m a fan of this tea, thanks, Cavocorax, for sharing! I’m still only halfway through S1, but I get the antlers reference at least.


I read the first sentence and thought on no, she wanted to like it but she’s gonna say she hates it! /0\ But you don’t and that’s cool. Glad you got some chocolate/vanilla from it, AND I’m happy you’re enjoying the show so far. We just finished filming the last episode of S2 so now I’m just waiting to see if NBC is renewing it or not.

Hope today is much better than yesterday!


At least it’s halfway over! Today I mean, not S2 because I have to catch up – before I get spoiled by a fic description or Tumblr in general. Sorry for the fakeout – I’m glad I liked this one too, but if I had read the description I would have known since I like caramel :) I also dropped the bag on the floor (because today sucks) but only lost a teeny tiny bit and still have lots left (WHEW!). I think I would have just gone back to bed at that point haha.


All I have to say is… swiggity swag the nightmare stag. (Oh, tumblr.)


Someone needs to make a tea for that.

Also, bookmark this for the end of Season 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4WP6_m9rRlI It’s a pretty awesoe fanvid that NBC is promoting.

Also, if I did that I might have been tempted to just give up too.


I’ll check that out! I love it when networks use fanworks for promos – MTV does this lots but, well, MTV – and I was going to get back to you when I’m all caught up anyway to see if there’s anything else I’m missing. Like, IDEK the nightmare stag had a fandom name ;)


There is SO MUCH stag fanart it’s amazing and awesome.


Ok, but, now I’m pretty certain there’s stag sexytiems fics and I’m getting a little afraid LOL (jk, I’m in a werewolf fandom, for goodness sakes)


Anything is possible? But I don’t read Hannibal fanfic because the well done stuff just creeps me out to no end.


I hope it’s better for you tomorrow!


I wish I had fic recs for you for later, but I have NOTHING. I tried reading a few Hannibal/Sherlock crossovers, but they felt false. And most of the other fics I read are Hannigram and I haven’t read any that were good enough to make me really feel that ‘ship. It’s not difficult to convince me that Hannibal might want Will; it’s harder to convince me that Will is ready to go cannibal just to get with Hannibal. I need something written well enough to make me accept that. :|


Course I haven’t looked in months! Maybe fic based on the newer season will be better written?


I’ve seen a couple recs, but as soon as I saw the tags I was all NOPE and clicked the red X.


Oh, I know what that’s like – some of the best shows don’t have good fics. I don’t ship anyone on the show yet, and I’m not sure I ever will, but while your OTP of course has the best fics ever, it’s typically torture to try to read a pairing you’re not into. Though I giggled a little when you said Hannigram, because I didn’t know the portmanteau :) Right now, I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever read a cannibal fic, and I wanna say yeah maybe? Maybe a hell!Dean fic, back when I read Destiel.


It’s funny that the portmanteau made you laugh when I just saw THIS: (http://hannibal-tv-show.tumblr.com/post/82097048717/color-division-hannibal-embrace-all) on tumblr.

It’s a spoiler free set of gifs for possible relationships and their zanyish names.




Hahahahaha murder husbands. Though I might be willing to read Hannidelia? If I read het. Though Gillian Anderson never really counts re: categories. And some of these characters I have yet to meet. I remember a time before portmanteaus, but once I discovered why ppl were portmanteau-ing all over the place because of Tumblr, I was like OH I GET IT. Reasons.


J^2^ is still the best portmanteau.


AWW. Let me try that again. J 2 is still the best portmanteau.


Cavo – that fanvid is AMAZING! I got the song stuck in my head last night, and the lyrics are so dramatic and perfect. Ravenstag – that sounds like an estate from a gothic novel, no? Something romantic and dark. If Poe and Hemingway had a baby.

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1501 tasting notes

Cavocorax graciously offered me some of this in our last swap, and I immediately wanted to try it. Okay, so I’ve yet to watch anything Hannibal, it’s just those darn ingredients (chocolate? hazelnut? I’m sold!) and the specific tea blender that got me excited.

Brewed up, this is surprisingly mellow – for some reason I was expecting a kick, a twist, a…. you expected something different, why would you, of course you did… kind of tea. That’s what I think of when I think of Hannibal – although admittedly I have zero idea as to who Will is. Yes, I will fix this. :)

So, think mild chai with a light caramel/chocolate finish, and maybe the dryness of a nut in there — and you have Save Will. Tasty!

Flavors: Caramel, Chocolate, Cinnamon, Nuts

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Sami Kelsh

Ooh, I don’t know the first thing about Hannibal, but that’s a good combo.

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1598 tasting notes

Help Will?

Pshaw. What about help me? Stupid website stuff not doing what it’s supposed to and I’ll just cut and paste more php here and see what happens? No???

I’m a fly by the seat of my pants website coder. Sometimes that works well. Other times….

OH HAI WILL! This tea is superb actually. CHOCOLATE. Yes.
(I think everything will be ok)


I’m looking forward to the day when I can fully understand these Hannibal tea titles :) Soon!


I hope you try the show out sometime – it’s really well done, albeit a little slow to begin with. A lot of people dont’ like it because of the gore, but there’s a huge difference to me between splat!gore and artfullyarranged!gore. :P Well, it’s still awful but everything in this show is presented so beautifully.

ALSO: I just realized you have a DINOASAUR icon. <3


I’m on episode 7, season 1 ! Working on it. I like the gore, and the design of it all. Plus, as a fan of Kids in the Hall and The X-Files and everything, the casting is AMAZING. But it’s nice to hear that it starts a little slow. I’m getting the sense it’s building up to itself, even moreso than other shows. I’ll get back to you after a few more episodes :)


Excellent! I’m glad you’re enjoying it! I think it’s a great show, but it seems to have rather limited appeal based on the ratings.

We are just finishing building bodies etc for the second season right now, so I have my fingers crossed that we will get renewed for Season 3! I just love that I am part of this show, even if I’m only tangentially a part of it (in the office ordering stuff and building website, rather than actually building dead people).

carol who

Yeah. It’s really not a good idea to actually build dead people. It never seems to work out well. ;-p


YOU’RE PART OF THE SHOW?? 0_0 !!!! Wow, awesome awesome – even my dinosaur-riding Batman icon is impressed haha


Ahahahaha. I am ridic proud that I even sorta connected to the show. :P The company I work for builds all the bodies and does the prosthetics/special make-up. I was a pretty big fan of the show BEFORE I started; now I’m out of control. I get to read the scripts and help plan what we need to build, so I know how Season Two will end and I cannot tell anyone.


It’s the best job. Even if I have to peel silicone off of tables and source out the oddest materials. :P

And OMG. I hadn’t realized that was Batman on your dinosaur. That’s pretty freaking awesome.


My twin sis studied prosthetics, wigs & makeup. She works for the LA Opera and does freelance wigmaking for movies. I think behind the scenes people are awesome – and I can only IMAGINE the weird requests you have to fulfill for that show, omg. The bodies are amazing though – really impressive, and a big part of making the show work (I mean, if it’s a show about cannibalism, they kind of have to be!). I would not be able to keep those spoilers to myself, too hard! IDEK what they are yet! But hopefully I’ll be caught up on S2 by the time the finale hits.


That sounds really awesome! I couldn’t imagine the detail required for wigmaking! We end up ordering wigs for our bodies and then doing our best to match them to the actors. Everything is so rushed – 2 weeks for episode, so we have AT MOST two weeks to build whatever they need, and usually much less than that. I can’t believe how much detail they can do in that short a time.

And I just can’t wait until everyone is caught up to me so I can blab about the show. Hahaha. I’m so happy others are into it though – tumblr is a lot of fun. I really, REALLY hope NBC renews it for Season 3.

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