Vanilla Whipped Lavender Grey

Tea type
Black Herbal Blend
Not available
Bergamot, Citrus, Cream, Floral, Honey, Lavender, Lemon, Malt, Metallic, Smooth, Bitter, Earthy, Tannic, Vanilla, Creamy, Cake
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 3 g 12 oz / 350 ml

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  • “This has been such a stressful few months. Started with weird partial power outages, after the first of which the compressor on my fridge died. This weekend culminated in my water heater element...” Read full tasting note
  • “My own tastebuds confuse me. Why do I enjoy lavender but dislike bergamot? Who knows. There’s just a slightly metallic edge to bergamot that never sits well with me. Still, I always trust 52Teas’...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea was reblended as part of March’s teas of the week (which were all reblends except for 1 – which was a last minute creation because I lacked the ingredients for the reblend I had planned) –...” Read full tasting note
  • “Leafed regularly, this ends up a bit too mild for me. I can taste that there’s a little creaminess, though that could be amped up. It could also do with more lavender since it’s really the smallest...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

An Original Blend for our 12 Teas of Christmas box for 2020!

Our Third new tea for the 2020 Holiday box – this tea brings together a few of my favorite things: Vanilla Tea, Earl Grey Tea & Lavender in tea. Inspired by a coffee shop type of drink, it starts with a blend of black teas (Assam, Ceylon, Yunnan & Vietnamese) & is combined with cold-pressed bergamot, vanilla bean, lavender buds & marshmallow root.

A lovely tea that is organic, VEGAN, gluten-free & allergen free!

Taster pouch is approximately 15g

organic ingredients: black teas, cold-pressed bergamot oil, lavender, marshmallow root, vanilla bean & natural flavors

As many of you are aware, I have a special fondness for Earl Grey-ish type of blends. I love me some bergamot! This tea combines the amazing that is bergamot with sweet, creamy notes of vanilla & a kiss of lavender. I enjoy this served straight as well as in latte form & it’s even quite nice iced! It’s one of those that tastes fantastic without any sweetener at all – although if you want to bring the vanilla notes forward a bit more, a teensy bit of sugar will do that for you.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

24 Tasting Notes

1269 tasting notes

This has been such a stressful few months. Started with weird partial power outages, after the first of which the compressor on my fridge died. This weekend culminated in my water heater element burning out, and the main breaker on my power dying. I have one of those brains that just can’t “shut off” when something is disrupting my status quo and I can’t fix it immediately, but the water heater install should be this morning and hopefully then I can finally calm down and get back to situation normal.

This tea was the perfect fit because I wanted a nice caffeinated breakfast option, but also something calming… so lavender Earl Grey, and what a nice lavender Earl Grey it is! The bergamot is tasty but doesn’t overwhelm the cup, and with the added vanilla note it leans into a sort of “lemon cream” aftertaste on my tongue. The lavender is just the right amount, potent enough to be an easily noticable flavor but not so strong as to wash out other flavors or make the cup bitter. The tea itself lends a malty and somewhat brassy undertone and goes down real smooth.

Delicious and just what I needed this morning.

Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus, Cream, Floral, Honey, Lavender, Lemon, Malt, Metallic, Smooth

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 12 OZ / 350 ML

Sorry you are having all those problems! I hope you can enjoy lots of relaxing cuppas and de-stress!


Ugh, that’s so stressful, and I know what you mean about not being able to ignore it when things are off-kilter! I hope the install goes well.


Oh yeah, and the shut off is equipped with an overflow trigger that activates even more activity when your head hits the pillow at night ;) Sorry for all the appliance woes!


That sounds very frustrating! I’m the same way when things need to be fixed. I hope you can get everything resolved.


ick — I’m hoping that’s enough broken stuff in your future for a while!

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397 tasting notes

My own tastebuds confuse me. Why do I enjoy lavender but dislike bergamot? Who knows. There’s just a slightly metallic edge to bergamot that never sits well with me.

Still, I always trust 52Teas’ Earl Grey blends, because there’s always something there to play off the bergamot and add a little somethin’ extra! This one is no exception. It’s nicely balanced between the lavender and the bergamot; I do wish there were a bit more of the creamy vanilla coming through, though, because I’m barely noticing it.

This is making me want to bake something with lavender… :D

Flavors: Bergamot, Bitter, Lavender, Metallic


I love bergamot but rarely ever like anything with lavender!

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314 tasting notes

This tea was reblended as part of March’s teas of the week (which were all reblends except for 1 – which was a last minute creation because I lacked the ingredients for the reblend I had planned) – anyway, this tea was the one I was probably most excited about because I loved the original batch – and I think i might love this reblend even more!

LOTS of vanilla & marshmallow-y notes which lends a nice sweet creaminess to the sharp, tangy bergamot (softens it beautifully!). Let’s also not overlook that Lavender + vanilla = true love & when you include some bergamot, it becomes the most awesome 3some imaginable.

I love this tea & it’s going fast! I better grab myself an extra pouch before it sells out!


This sounds like one I would love!

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2596 tasting notes

Leafed regularly, this ends up a bit too mild for me. I can taste that there’s a little creaminess, though that could be amped up. It could also do with more lavender since it’s really the smallest hint at the moment. And I’d prefer if the black tea were a little bolder too – essentially, more of everything! I overleafed the second time I had this, and I enjoyed it a lot more. There’s a lovely amount of creaminess, and it all blends quite well. The cream is the main flavor, with just hints of everything else. I really enjoyed it and wouldn’t have minded another few cups, but unfortunately it’s gone.

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1445 tasting notes

Still on a purple flower kick. This is a nice level of lavender, and a pleasant twist on an earl grey (the bergamot is super light), but it can be finicky to steep up. I oversteeped it to the point of bitterness a couple of times, but milk helps with these things. Also, even if I butchered the first steep, the second steep was deliciously smooth.

My 50g did not last at all; I pull out teas like this (ex – earl greys & citrusy black tea blends) when I can’t make up my mind, but want caffeine plus a little flair.

Flavors: Bergamot, Earthy, Floral, Lavender, Tannic, Vanilla

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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6119 tasting notes

After a bad start to the day (my kettle lid will no longer open!!), I had a most excellent tea day. Either I chose a great lineup of teas, or my tastebuds were just particularly receptive today, not sure, but it was good. This was one of today’s four, and was absolutely delicious as usual. Such a soft, fluffy vanilla cloud with lavender, bergamot, and a solid and delicious black base. Love this tea so much.

Evol Ving Ness

Very sad that I don’t have this one.


Yeah, I wish I could get more of this. Probably one of my favourites from 52teas.

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448 tasting notes

2021 Sipdown #9

This one is a sad sipdown! I have really enjoyed this tea and hope to find something like it! This particular cup was a lot heavier on the vanilla than the previous ones, and not quite as much lavender. Either way, au revoir, you will be missed!

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1968 tasting notes

Sip down 2.
Added some milk this time around. The vanilla/whipped aspect is much more pronounced, which I’m really loving. The lavender is still quite strong, which I also love. Overall an absolutely delicious earl grey, and one I’m sad to see go.

Flavors: Bergamot, Cake, Cream, Creamy, Lavender, Vanilla

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6444 tasting notes

52 Teas 12 Teas of Christmas – Day 6

Leave it to Anne to make a Lavender Earl Grey sound appealing. The Vanilla Whipped was calling me. And this smells awesome!! Like I want it as a perfume or a candle or something. However, in taste its lavender forward which is not for me. One of my best friends informed me she loves Lavender Earl Greys though so I know the perfect place to send this.

Mastress Alita

I really hope there is at least more of this one around come the 26th. I stopped getting the advents cause they are so banana-heavy, and I dunno how many of the teas will actually “go public” (seems like last year very few did), but I am such a Lavender EG fiend…


@Mastress Alita: There should be a few of this one on the 28th (I pushed the date back by a couple of days to make sure that I have time to get everyone who ordered the box taken care of first and take the time to take inventory) – a few of the others may not be in stock but I did make a little extra of this one because I too am a fan of Lavender Earl Grey (and I really, really like the bergamot I use!)

Mastress Alita

If it is the same bergamot that is in Foggy Coconut, I’m already excited!


It is. It took me a lot of trial and error to finally find a bergamot that didn’t come off tasting like bubble gum or soap. (Or soapy bubble gum.) When I finally released the Myrtle’s Tea House tea – it was after a lot of months of taste testing to finally find the right stuff.

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16975 tasting notes

Cold Brew Sipdown (1334)!

This was a January sipdown – I’m just a bit behind on my tasting notes.

I steeped this one in a 75/25 mix of water and coconut milk, and it was pretty good. It’s hard to say if this was because of the coconut milk or just the prep method change up, but I actually liked it less cold brewed than I did hot – it didn’t seem richer/creamier, which was my expectation. It was still delicious with silky vanilla notes and a fresh lavender taste but the bergamot was almost “brassier” tasting in a way. I think I would have been better off trying this last portion hot with the coconut milk instead of cold.

Oh well – you live and you learn, right?

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