Chocolate Mint Flavored Black Tea

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Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
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205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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67 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sip down! Having the last of this today as a latte. This package didn’t taste nearly as delicious as the first time I ordered it, which makes me a little sad. Nt sure what’s changed but ill likely...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have been trying to win the 52 Teas Email Trivia of the week since the first week they started it! I FINALLY WON 2 weeks ago!!! I was soooo excited! I ended up choose this tea as my tea that I...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is another of the teas that I ordered in the buy 3 get 1 free deal… Minty… chocolate-y. Nice. This has more mint than chocolate, and, the chocoholic in me thinks it should be the other way...” Read full tasting note
  • “My first 52teas order arrived yesterday — woohoo!!!!! I was too pooped from work and had so many other things to catch up on that I decided to wait until today to start steepin’ (but you can bet...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

We had a special request to create a stunning chocolate mint tea to serve at a wedding reception and to offer as wedding favors for guests at the wedding. The result was so awesome, I think we should share it with our other customers. So, without further ado, here is our featured tea of the week for the week of July 13th, the ultimate dessert tea, our chocolate mint flavored black tea, with real organic cacao nibs, fresh cut peppermint and all natural flavors.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

67 Tasting Notes

15575 tasting notes

Sip down! Having the last of this today as a latte. This package didn’t taste nearly as delicious as the first time I ordered it, which makes me a little sad. Nt sure what’s changed but ill likely stick to some of the other mint chocolate teas that I’ve tried.

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6768 tasting notes

I have been trying to win the 52 Teas Email Trivia of the week since the first week they started it! I FINALLY WON 2 weeks ago!!! I was soooo excited! I ended up choose this tea as my tea that I won…I just got it in the mail today! YAY! And it couldn’t have come at a better time because I seem to be running out of most of my teas in my stash! Oye! Anyhow…upon opening the package I was stunned by a glorious chocolate aroma! Very powerful Chocolate Aroma! It was delightful, indeed! Color-wise it’s a medium brown once infused. After the infusion you can smell both the chocolate AND the mint but neither are overpowering. My first sip confused me as I thought based on the dry smell it would be all about the chocolate but it wasn’t. I wasn’t to quick to form an opinion…I took sip #2 and noticed the pleasant minty freshness. The mint it’s overpower but you certainly know it’s there. It accompanies the chocolate taste, again, neither too overpowering, taste-wise. There’s a bit of a woodsy undertone as an after thought but it doesn’t last long…the mint-chocolate combo pulls thru again at the end and lingers on to the aftertaste. All-in-All I do like this tea. It’s a bit different than I thought it would be but certainly not in a bad way. I like it. It’s tasty and flavorful but not obnoxious. Others have mentioned a Girl Scout Cookie Thin Mint comparison and I can totally see/taste the likeness! I’m sooooooo glad I won this! It’s nice. I will enjoy this often.


WOW! I blabbed a little. LOL – Guess I was about due, eh!? Been a little MIA lately or random with my short posts!


Yummy in the tummy! One of the few non chais thay may be good w/ milk/creamer.


Nice review this sounds really good.


Congrats on the win, BTW! The tea sounds good, too …!


You know I’ve been trying so hard to win one of those contests but I usually end up being too early or just missing it. Congrats on your victory. ;)


Congrats, I came in #13 last week and #11 this week :( Someday I’ll win! Also this sounds fantastic, I am glad you enjoyed it


@ Jillian & Cinoi! That’s EXACTLY what my problem was!!! Keep trying! It WILL happen!

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4843 tasting notes

This is another of the teas that I ordered in the buy 3 get 1 free deal…

Minty… chocolate-y. Nice. This has more mint than chocolate, and, the chocoholic in me thinks it should be the other way around. Other than that though, it’s a pleasant enough tea.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I completely agree w/ you because peppermint, like cinnamon, can completely take over very easily.

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371 tasting notes

My first 52teas order arrived yesterday — woohoo!!!!! I was too pooped from work and had so many other things to catch up on that I decided to wait until today to start steepin’ (but you can bet your sweet bippy that I opened them all last night and sniffed the leaves). Yummy!

So, I bet you’re looking at the tea that I’m rating and giving me the hairy eyeball. I know what y’all must be thinking: “but she goes on and on about how she doesn’t like chocolate, and yet she buys a big honkin’ 4 oz tin of this?!?! She cray-zay!” Yes, I am, as I think you’re thinking “cray-zay.” I actually really like Girl Scout Thin Mints — they’re sort of in their own realm of chocolate. But then again they’re not available year round, so that makes them more of a treat. I generally prefer my chocolate mixed with other things such as peanut butter, mint, cookies, caramel, etc (never chunky nuts — blech). But even then I can only do a little at a time and then I’m good for at least a month or more in regard to consuming chocolate. So, I think that my tin of this should last well over a year. Well, unless my Mom steals it from me.

This tea truly is like a liquid Thin Mint. It’s sort of like having a smooth black tea while eating a box of those cookies. Like you’ve just swallowed your cookie and then quickly taken a sip of tea. NOM!

This tea also helped me stop crying after a second mystery Samovar package showed up today. It turned out to be my original order that had been mis-handled. I thought that the original package would be sent to me — apparently not. This original box that I received today (2 days after sending out the Geek Prizes almost a week late) has the super-special prize for the Geek Pride grand prize winner placed in a nice gift box whereas the replacement shipment had everything thrown in and individually wrapped up in TONS of bubble wrap (you’ll eventually see Cait — again I apologize). The boxed item takes up about a third of the space of what I sent out to Cait. I was moved to angry tears because I was so very excited to place my first Samovar order and it has turned into such a nightmare. I don’t plan on ever repeating this nightmare ever again — I didn’t spend this much money to get so much grief. I’m awaiting a response from Samovar to see what on earth I’m supposed to do with this box that I don’t want and I’m angry that I have to deal with it. At least I wasn’t double-charged because I couldn’t afford that (my car payment would have bounced). If that had happened, then you would’ve seen Rabs really really mad.

Sorry for the venting, but it does come back around to my conclusion:

All of this frustration seemed to melt away once I sent off my email to Samovar and I was able to concentrate on this wonderful tea. I’m definitely tickled pink with Frank’s customer service and free shipping. The thought of spending my money (and knowing how much further it’ll go) at places like 52teas gives me hope in my tea future. TG

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

We made this iced last night, and it’s pretty good.


Sorry to hear about that. :( And I was just contemplating buying something from them too.


I think that you should go ahead and buy from them — in no way do I mean to discourage others from buying Samovar’s wares. It’s more of a warning of potential issues to put out there, and if enough issues happen to enough people then that’s when I’d say not to order. I’ve worked retail long enough to know that freak things happen, but that background also gives me insight into how situations like this should be handled, and I’m not impressed with how it’s been handled thus far.


I am still sad over your samovar experience :(


As far as I’m concerned, 52Teas ROCKS! Frank responds promptly to emails, the teas are terrific, and the shipping is usually quite prompt. There have been a few times when it’s been a bit slower – but you know what? I’d rather have FREE shipping and wait a little longer for the tea. The free shipping enables me to buy more tea!


Adding some more praise to Frank’s customer service. He didn’t ship to Denmark but to some other European countries when I first learned about the site, but I asked him nicely and he figured it out and included Denmark. Okay, I begged pitifully, but it amounts to the same thing.
AND on my birthday he made a special coupon code for me that gave me free shipping for a couple of weeks.
If that’s not awesome customer service, I don’t know what is.

Southern Boy Teas

blush Thanks, LiberTEAS. Glad you are enjoying the Chocolate Mint, Rabs. (I just saw what the TG stands for; that’s awesome!)

Southern Boy Teas

and thanks to you too, Angrboda.

It’s so good to be appreciated. Please keep spreading the word about our teas/service! We’re still a small operation with BIG plans.


52Teas – I don’t know if you have heard, but TeaEqualsBliss and I have started a new tea review blog called SororiTEA Sisters. I have one of your teas reviewed and published thus far. :)

ps: did you happen to see my reblend requests?


The pleasure’s all mine! (TG and all) ;)

I’d sort of moved 52teas off to the side when I found out that most of the blends were “temporary.” Once I got over my fear of loss and then read the comments on Angrboda’s birthday I knew that I had to try 52teas. That’s what I call customer service. And to top it all off — I consider Wichita my hometown, so it’s wonderful to support a local business :D


@Rabs yea it does make me sad when the teas go away, but on the other hand there is ALWAYS something new!


Aww, so sorry to hear about your woes. Glad you liked this one, though!

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545 tasting notes


For the fifth tea of Christmas, Frank gave to us Chocolate Mint Flavored Black Tea.

When I opened this sample packet, at first I got alcohol, followed quickly by mint – real strong mint ~cough, cough ~, then chocolate – dark chocolate. I do have to say that Frank nailed the smell on this blend. I’ll confess that I’m not a chocolate mint fan at all. The husband is and occasionally I’ll want a spoonful or two of his ice cream. The dark tea leaves have visible chocolate bits and bits of mint leaves.

Steeped, the tea still smells distinctively of chocolate mint and is a color that we’ll call standard tea color. I did a butt load of dishes while and after this tea had steeped so it was not piping hot when I first tried it. The taste is mint tea with dark chocolate. This is good, but definitely not a favorite of mine. I’ll have to see what the husband thinks when he tries it. As I finish drinking this tea, I decide a like it a bit more and raise my initial rating five points. I definitely get the Thin Mint comparison that others have made. I did not attempt a second steep because I did not want anymore chocolate mint at that time.

I’m rating this tea a 67, which is on the high end of my nice range (60-70).

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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212 tasting notes

I let my daughter taste this tea and she said, “hmm, it’s okay. I mean it’s pretty good.” Seven times out of ten her response is, “tastes like butt.” I’m pretty sure it just got the okay comment because I don’t take as much sugar in my tea as she likes in hers.

I liked this one better as it cooled down. I felt the flavors came out a little better. Perhaps an icing is in the future. Smooth and a bit malty are my first impressions. Maybe the chocolate makes it malty like. The mint is very natural, naked mint. I keep pushing my tongue up to the roof of my mouth, where I taste the mint the most.

Chocolate and mint, where can you go wrong?

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Not gonna lie I actually laughed out loud when I read “tastes like butt” :D


Hehe, yeah we generally giggle at her too. I roll my eyes a lot. I think she is starting to open her mind up to different flavors now though. Score! I’m grooming another tea lover. :D


While I greatly appreciate the skill & time so many Steepsterites put into the reviews, I believe your daughter would add a much-welcome twist if she had her own account and would review teas. There is really no misinterpreting “tastes like butt”, and I think her unique way of putting things is wonderful. It certainly made me laugh. Please encourage her to join us :)

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1015 tasting notes

I picked this out for my morning tea today and I would say that it went surprisingly well with my spicy bell pepper omelette – the mint is helping to soothe my mouth after adding a bit too much hot sauce.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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357 tasting notes

Tastes like a peppermint patty, or should I say peppermint pat-tea? I never used to love the chocolate mint combo when I was a kid, but it has recently really grown on me. I’m drinking my leftovers of this from my morning steep while watching a rerun of Fresh Prince of BelAir…ahh… good combo! My taste in flavors may have changed, but I still like my old-school teen sit-coms. They just don’t make ‘em like they used to.


Nice job on the pun. :D Watching Fresh Prince sounds like an instant mood lifter!


facepalm. lol.


XD hahaha!

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6119 tasting notes

Ok, so does this have roasted mate in it?! Or malt flavouring? Because I’m getting a strong association to the super tasty Malted ChocoMate. In fact, that’s why I chose this sample from the awesome package sent to me by Missy & Dylan! Thanks you guys :)

So yes. This smells much like a minty Malted ChocoMate. Interesting.

Sadly, once steeped, I’m smelling the dreaded peppermint :( There’s something about mixing mint with hot water than I’m just not fond of. Apprehensive of tasting now but hey, I’m pretty sure I requested this one from them, so I had better do it.

Umm….. wow. This is much, much better than I had anticipated. I’m not really getting too much chocolate, but I’d chalk that up moreso to an inability to differentiate flavours than to a lack of chocolate in the blend (or cocoa nibs, in this case). The mint somehow blends wonderfully with the maltiness that I’m familiar with from Malted ChocoMate, and is rather lovely. Odd – I just thought about how this is a similar combination to Verdant Tea’s Chocolate Chamomile Curiousity Brew. Although that one smelled like cinnamon toast. I think they may have tasted somewhat similar…

I seem to be getting a bit of a scratchy throat from this one (or maybe I’m only just noticing it now), so that’s the only downside.

I’m still not fond of mint in teas, but this blend works really well. Thanks for the sample, Missy & Dylan! I used it all up in one generously-leafed cup (I think that’s what I requested?) which makes me happy as I get to tick off another tea as ‘sampled’ yet add nothing to my cupboard! This tea didn’t even make it out of the kitchen :D

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Dylan Oxford

Hrmmm… I wonder. There is always the possibility I labeled them wrong… because we did send you a sample of the Vanilla Mint Mate as well, right? Take a look at that one and see if it looks suspiciously like it has black tea in it…


Yay! I’m glad you liked it. I too wonder if we labeled it wrong. We sent a sample of chocolate mint tea and vanilla mint mate.


Just ran down to check (although I was certain that there was black tea in the one I brewed up), and the Vanilla Mint Mate bag definitely has mate in it, no tea. So I’m thinking Frank just used some of the same flavouring in the two blends. I love that particular flavouring though :)


lol well at least we got the labeling right then!


Hahaha, yup! :D

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1271 tasting notes

Sip down sample!

I was eating some thin mint girl scout cookies and decided I should have a minty tea. Weird, but I miss the Canadian girl guide cookies. Yeah, theres like 2 kinds, but I dunno.. these american ones don’t taste as good and not as sweet. Made my husband go crazy as I eat Korean rice cake sweets, and those aren’t really sweet! Ehhhh, maybe I just miss Canada. Man, I need those “Dad’s Cookies” in that yellow bag. Too bad shipping to Canada sucks, I’d trade for cookies! I’ll have to wait until family or friends visit from Canada again.

Anyways, I did this tea as a latte, unsweetened cuz I’m too lazy to do anymore. Pretty good – much better as a latte!

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

they changed the recipe for the non minty Cdn Girl Guide cookies, to make them healthier. Not nearly as good these days :(

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