So, I don’t generally order from 52Teas because it’s VERY hit or miss with me. I absolutely LOVED their Maple Cheesecake Ti Kwan Yin, and figured that this would be good, or at least worth the try because it is also supposed to be a maple tea. And boy, am I glad they changed their package sizes!
It would have been a good tea…without this base.
I’ve only tried a few flavored teas with the base of Honeybush and each time the flavors could not mask the peppery, woody Honeybush.
This one tasted a bit sweet and maple-y. But man…that base. Wow. No thank you!
Bummed out by this one, to be honest! I have high hopes for maple teas since the Maple Cheesecake Ti Kwan Yin. If only they’d bring that one back again. xD Dying to try it again!
Flavors: Maple, Pepper, Sweet, Wood