Gingerbread Smoke

Tea type
Black Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 45 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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14 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Was hoping some ginger would help clear sinuses, unclog my head. Ummmm nope. I can’t even taste this. Maybe it’s not very ginger. Dunno. Will write proper tasting note once I can “taste” it. ...” Read full tasting note
  • “Ehhhhh. This one is really not doing it for me. It really isn’t even that smokey for a Lapsang base, and the ginger is somewhat artificial tasting. Glad I got it in a swap and didn’t purchase a 2oz...” Read full tasting note
  • “Additional notes: I’ll be drinking this one and another cup of the Inscape blend today, hopefully while finally finishing up the remainder of NOS4A2 today! I like the book… but I perhaps...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog: I really liked this one. Spicy, sweet, with hints of smoke. The smoke isn’t overwhelming, but there’s enough in there to contrast with the other flavors. I can taste the gingerbread and...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

As for this week’s Tea of the Week, I think this is the tribute blend I should have done months ago when I released the Inscape blend. Inscape was maybe a bit too deep and complicated, whereas this one gets right to the heart of the (dark) matter.

If you haven’t read Joe Hill’s new horror novel NOS4A2 (think Nosferatu), you’re missing out. This week’s blend attempts to capture the essence of the insidious Gasmask Man’s terrible gingerbread smoke, which he uses to daze and sedate his victims. The tea is a blend of our premium black teas, ginger root pieces and just a hint of smoked lapsang souchong. It tastes a bit like the gingerbread cookies my mom used to make (she had a habit of burning cookies, but don’t tell her I said so).

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

14 Tasting Notes

1040 tasting notes

Was hoping some ginger would help clear sinuses, unclog my head. Ummmm nope.
I can’t even taste this. Maybe it’s not very ginger. Dunno. Will write proper tasting note once I can “taste” it. For now this did not have the desired effect. :((


feel better! =0(


Oh no! I hope you feel better soon!


Rest up and feel better soon!

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1113 tasting notes

Ehhhhh. This one is really not doing it for me. It really isn’t even that smokey for a Lapsang base, and the ginger is somewhat artificial tasting. Glad I got it in a swap and didn’t purchase a 2oz package!

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to try this one BrewTEAlly Sweet!

BrewTEAlly Sweet

I know I wish I could have sampled it before I bought it :/

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4340 tasting notes

Additional notes: I’ll be drinking this one and another cup of the Inscape blend today, hopefully while finally finishing up the remainder of NOS4A2 today! I like the book… but I perhaps expected more zanniness from the son of Stephen King? There are more pop culture references that might apply to me, including some unexpected mentions of some David Mitchell books! I’m a David Mitchell fan. Oversteeping this one might be the thing to do…. it remains smooth but gets deeper. And I mean REALLY oversteep — like the infuser I was draining sideways fell in the mug again after I walked away type of oversteep.

Edited to add: Finished the book before the resteeps of Gingerbread Smoke and Inscape! What a trip… it’s amazing to me that the guy who writes the fastest turning pages for me, now has a son that also has me flipping the pages (these might be the only “page turners” I read?)

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4843 tasting notes


I really liked this one. Spicy, sweet, with hints of smoke. The smoke isn’t overwhelming, but there’s enough in there to contrast with the other flavors.

I can taste the gingerbread and even the sweet, buttery “cake-like” flavors to make it a true gingerbread and not a ginger tea. The black tea base is smooth and robust.

Really good.

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788 tasting notes

Steep Information:
Amount: 2 tsp
Water: 500ml at 200°F
Tool: Breville One-Touch Tea Maker BTM800XL
Steep Time: 2 minutes 30 seconds
Served: Hot

Tasting Notes:
Dry Leaf Smell: GINGER
Steeped Tea Smell: smoke, ginger
Flavor: bakey, ginger, sweet
Body: Full
Aftertaste: toasty
Liquor:dark translucent red brown

Rating: 2/4 leaves

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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892 tasting notes

Woof! This tea is strong. It’s nice though. It’s strong in the gingerbread flavor and is accompanied by a smoky black base. It’s really strong actually. It tastes like a burnt gingerbread cookie with melted icing(in a good way of course..) This tea would be really good with a touch of honey and some creamer. YUMMM

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1781 tasting notes


Oh! I think I like this one! There is a bit of ginger in there, but it is more of a sweet ginger as opposed to a ginger with bite or kick. I’m usually one for very strong ginger, but this works well here. There is a little smoke, but it isn’t overpowering or dominating at all. This tea seems really well rounded to me. I’m really enjoying this one!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec
The Cookie Lady

What a weird combination! I’m always amazed at how tea makers think these kinds of combinations up and turn them into success when I just look at the name and go “No way….really? But are they serious?” That, of course, usually leads to “Well, now I have to try it because it can’t possibly be good…”

hippiechick 42

Sounds yummy!


I have always liked odd flavors, so when I see something strange or unusual I want to try it. Have you ever seen the book The Flavor Bible? It’s awesome! It’s like a dictionary of different common ingredients and what other flavors are known to pair well with it. I come up with some interesting food combos with it. Last night I made lobster pizza with alfredo sauce topped with coconut shavings, truffle oil and kaffir lime powder. I should have used more kaffir lime and truffle oil, but I think it turned out pretty good! I wonder if tea makers use that book too.

The Cookie Lady

Whoa! I’ve heard of that book, but I didn’t know it was like that or could inspire food like that! My goodness. Sounds like you’d be a good person to have in the Sweet + Savory Tea and Recipes TTB I’ve been thinking about putting together!


That is a really interesting idea for a box! So is all the tea supposed to be sweet and savory or either sweet or savory? I can’t think of any teas that I have had that were both!

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921 tasting notes

Last night I spent the entire night folding, it was great, made a few classic designs and tried out some new ones. My favorite of the new modular origami pieces that I worked on was a PHiZZ (pentagon hexagon zig-zag) Dodecahedron, the units are really simple to make, but interlocking the pieces can be a real pain. I foresee lots of them in my future.

Today’s tea has a bit of a smoky feel, a Gingerbread Smoke feel to be exact. This blend by 52teas is a combination of Premium Black Teas (including Lapsang Souchong) Ginger Root, and Organic Flavors. The aroma is more or less exactly what I expected from a tea named Gingerbread Smoke, it is quite richly smoky with warm spices and an especially strong kick of ginger. Everything about the aroma of this tea is warm, from the lingering memories of a fire to the spices, good for sniffing on a chilly evening.

Giving the leaves a nice steeping brings out a sweet quality to the spices and ginger, really bringing out the cookie quality of the tea. There is of course lots of smoke, though it is not as strong as the dry leaves. As a finish there is a hint of malt. The liquid is sweet ginger and lots of smoke, it also has a finish of malt…suddenly I am craving ginger snaps.

The taste is pretty true to the name, at first you get a surprisingly gentle burn of ginger, and of course where there is fire there is usually smoke, so the next taste note is the mild smoke. The tea has a natural sweetness from the ginger, which fades to a hint of oakiness. Usually I am not the biggest fan of 52tea’s black tea base (nothing wrong with it, just doesn’t do it for me) but this one I like, most likely thanks to the added Lapsang Souchong. Spicy smoky teas are a big win in my book now, certainly going to be on the lookout for more!

For photos (including origami!) and blog:


That is some badass origami :)


Thank you :) I am such a sucker for making modular origami, it is just so much fun!

carol who

Wow! Great origami!

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2291 tasting notes

This is the first tea I decided to try out of the package MissB was holding for me (OMG! Thank you SO MUCH. I’m now at 258 from 219. :) ).

It… could be more. It’s actually pretty good, but it’s not quite what I was hoping for. There’s ginger, there’s rich black tea, but there’s hardly any smoke and there’s no molasses. I guess the “smoke” would be the slight campfire aftertaste. And by campfire aftertaste, I mean a flavour like when you’re slowly roasting marshmallows but then you accidentally set it on fire, so it’s delightful and melty and roasted, but there’s a bit of char as well, that usually tastes mildly yet distinctly of pine or cedar. THAT kind of campfire aftertaste.

So. I think I will be drying some ginger to add to the tea, I’ll also be mixing in some marshmallow root (IDK, I just feel it’s necessary), a few cracked peppercorns, and some Russian Caravan. I’ll probably end up having it with molasses as well, unless I decide to really go too far and dry some molasses and grind it up to add to the tea.

I’ll probably decide to go too far. :)

(1.5 tsp for ~11 oz)

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 15 sec

Setting marshmallows aflame was always my favourite part of making s’mores over the fire.


I’m a slow roaster of marshmallows, myself. :)


Haha. I start slow, but then I get impatient. And now I want to roast marshmallows!


Sadly I don’t have any, and I’m not feeling up to going back out to the store. If you have a gas stove, or a camp stove (I have one for hiking) you can roast marshmallows over that. OR you can make smores under the broiler – layer them up, lids off, broil until delicious. Ohhhhhhh…. I know what’s going on my shopping list.


We have a firepit in the backyard. Hmm. It would be cold, but perhaps worth it. There’s something to be said about the whole experience of roasting marshmallows over a fire.

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