Graveyard Mist Green Tea

Tea type
Green Herbal Blend
Organic Full Leaf Green Tea, Organic Marshmallow Root, Organic Natural Flavoring, Organic Spearmint
Creamy, Spearmint, Vanilla, Vegetal, Marshmallow, Mint, Soft, Sweet, Malt, Wintergreen, Green, Smooth, Dry Grass, Grass, Milk, Tannin, Bitter, Vegetables, Earthy, Herbaceous
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by Lupiressmoon
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 45 sec 15 g 14 oz / 401 ml

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From 52teas

This is one of the big fan favorites!

Here’s the original description:

“Have you ever stopped to enjoy the cool quiet of an old cemetery on a fall evening? Ever stayed to watch the evening mist roll in? Maybe stayed overnight on a dare and found yourself waking in the wet grass to the vision of sunlight slipping through the vanishing mist?

Me either, but that’s kind of what this tea reminds me of.

Part Chinese sencha, part Yun Wu (Cloud Mist), with marshmallow root, spearmint and natural marshmallow, spearmint and a hint of malt flavors, this is a smooth, silky experience with the sweet pique of spearmint subdued and made ghost-like—subtle, but haunting."

Since this is one of those long-time faves. we didn’t want to alter it, so we stuck to the recipe.

Ingredients: Organic Chinese green teas, organic marshmallow root, organic dried spearmint leaves, all-natural organic flavors.

About 52teas View company

At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

131 Tasting Notes

1442 tasting notes

Today has not been the best. The power cut out in the kitchen and bathroom last night in this crummy basement, and my roommate and I don’t have access to the power box. It sucks because I just bought groceries and it doesn’t look like our landlord is going to respond anytime soon (another five days). At least the rent is somewhat cheap, I guess.

I think my roommate and I are going to get a portable gas stove in an attempt to cook our meat, rice, and kimchi before it goes bad. It will be a feast of sorts, which could be fun. The new carton of milk also needs to go- a perfect excuse to have a lot of chai tea (it’s going to be an unhealthy night).

I’m finishing off the rest of this today and I think I will miss it a bit. I started off not liking the samples from 52teas but there is something comforting in all that marshmallow root and flavoring. They’ll forever remind me of Christmas and relaxing, full-power times.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Brutal. I hope your landlord gets back to you soon.


Me too but her track record isn’t good. I think she only uses the email she gave us when rent is due. Oh, well- we’re out of here after April!


Oh goodness. Best of luck!


My landlady is a piece of work too…. I feel your pain :(


Also be careful with the gas stove if using it indoors…!


Thanks, everyone. We were extra careful with the gas stove and still have the windows open and the mini fan going an our later; it’s way too stuffy in this basement for me to feel comfortable with it.

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160 tasting notes

I have been awful about keeping up with tea logs during busy busy Christmas preparations both at work and at home. Still, today’s tea of the day from the 52teas 12 Days of Christmas made me smile and deserves a bit of my time to be written about.

This tea smells deliciously minty (spearmint) as soon as you open the packet. The dark green leaves with bits of marshmallow root are fittingly coherent with the idea of a graveyard. The little pieces of marshmallow root look strangely like gravestones amount the greenness of the tea leaves. Beautiful to look at!

While brewing, it smell quite a bit like root beer (surely due to the spearmint). The resulting light yellow cup of tea is light and refreshing. Unsweetened, the mint is the main flavor. Sweetened, the creaminess becomes more prominent and the mint takes over in the aftertaste.

I loved it! I finished my entire little pack of it today! I just might have to buy some of this before the week ends! :)


52teas’ 12 Amy’s of Christmas? Bahahahaha :)


Hahahahaha… Way to go autocorrect… Thanks for pointing it out!

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1271 tasting notes

I believe this tea comes from Rachel Sincere, ty!

MOAR Marshmallow Monday while I knit socks!

DRY: smells like… kids toothpaste? Those marshmallow roots look like mushrooms to me.

STEEPED: Beautiful golden tea, smells sweet, minty and crisp.

TASTE: Sweet blast of mint, fluffy sweet marshmallow and crisp savory green tea. It’s like minty rice crispy treats. Sometimes it tastes like cream soda. Then the sweetness, fluff and mint creeps out. Weird mouth sensation too, like numbing my mouth. The mint is not overpowering and at a perfect level.

COMMENTS: Now beating myself up for not trying this tea sooner. Of course, it’s been reblended a few times, I’ve seen it instock while I did other 52 tea purchases and now sold out. Sigh. I was mildly interested in this tea from the marshmallow taste as well as the reviews, but the mint was scaring me off – how can you make mint more original? But graveyard mist totally school’d me.

Now I’m really going to press for a subscription with 52 Teas for my birthday or christmas!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec

I like some mint, though not really combined with anything. Mouth numbness? That does not sound appealing….would remind me to much of being at the dentist. shudders

Oolong Owl

Hmmmm might of been mouth tinglyness from the mint too.

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871 tasting notes

I had been kind of wanting to try this one because of all the reviews I read on it. But it is not something that really appealed to me when I read the description.

This one tastes like green tea with mint. It is kind of buttery and creamy. I can definitely discern the marshmallow root. It is just not working for me. The flavours do not seem to be melding together, they are all kind of separate. The green tea is kind of bitter, not astringent, but not a smooth green tea. That may have been due to higher than presumed water temp, so I will have to try again.

Thank you to RogersCK for this in the first round of the Secret Pumpkin swap.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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892 tasting notes

I didn’t really know what to expect from this tea but I like it. It’s sweet, minty, and delicious. I’m glad I ordered some :)

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576 tasting notes

As a paranormal investigator and a fan of the paranormal, of course I had to get this one!

Love the blend of vanilla and mint – one of my favorite combos. This is light and airy (ghost-like, if you will), but still very flavorful and tasty. The vanilla has a very marshmallow quality to it versus a vanilla bean flavor, which works well with all the other flavors you’ve got going on in this tea. I taste peppermint and spearmint, but I did just have a peppermint cuppa so perhaps I’m in that mindset… none of the flavors are overpowering, which is perfect with the veggie green tea flavor.

I’d love for this to be a permanent 52Teas flavor…or at least in the Christmas collection (hint hint, Frank). This is right up there with Pancake Breakfast. Love it! :)

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec

oh man this is the first 52teas blend I really want to try. I love the photo, name, and ingredients!


and wait, you’re a paranormal investigator?


I really wish I had got some of this!
You and I seem to be in similar fields!


I can send you guys samples – just PM me and I’ll get them out to you asap. :) And yes, I am a paranormal investigator – on the side. It’s not my full-time job. And it’s not something I usually talk about. But it’s that time of year!
@Azzrian – I’m intrigued. Perhaps we are kindred spirits! (Sorry, bad pun, it’s late in the day and I’ve gone about two hours without tea)

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615 tasting notes


I definitely like this one better hot than cold. The first flavor to come through is the green tea this time! The marshmallow flavor also comes through better, and the cup is creamier and has a smoother mouthfeel overall. The aftertaste is still clean and slightly sweet.

I still see Scooby Doo zombies, and swamp mist when I drink this as opposed to graveyards, though.

Thanks again Shelley_Lorraine.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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1353 tasting notes

This one seems to be extremely popular. Very hyped on Steepster indeed, and I seem to recall there being some sort of a petition to have it made permanent. I’m sure I saw that, and I believe it was about this one.

So I was fairly certain all along that it was bound to be in the box somewhere. And lo, I was proven right.

I have to say though, that I don’t really understand the hype. To me this both tasted and smelled rather like toothpaste. With marshmallows in.

For me the spearmint was almost the only thing I could taste. I could detect some marshmallow here and there underneath and nothing whatsoever of the base. Primarily spearmint.

I’m not familiar with spearmint in anything except toothpaste and chewing gum, so I can’t claim to find it all that pleasant in other things. So for the life of me, I can’t find the appeal in this blend at all. Neither could Husband, who asked permission to discard.

Had it been peppermint instead of spearmint I think I might have enjoyed it better, but as it is, I think spearmint is just way too sharp a flavour for me in general.

(Seems I’m not having an awful lot of luck with the Christmas box this year…)


I can’t even take spearmint in toothpaste.


I prefer different varieties as well, but if necessary, I can deal with it.


Well, that did sound like a graveyard to me. :P I’m sorry, I know how is like to drink tea you just cant drink. But hey, for every bad one there’s a few great ones yet to discover!


I started a petitiom for the Marshmallow Genmaicha to go permanent. Not sure if there was one for this as well but I wouldn’t doubt it! seems this is a hate or love it tea


I was intrigued by the name of this, but am not a fan of spearmint. Thanks for the review.


Yeeaaah I thought toothpaste with this one too. Have brought it home with me in an attempt to offload it on my mother…

Invader Zim

I had bought some of this thinking I would love it. It turned out to be sweet and toothpastey for me too. I gave it to a friend that fell in love with it.

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6106 tasting notes

Ook. I ordered this one kind of on a whim, thinking that perhaps marshmallow creaminess would make me like mint, but unfortunately no. I really, really dislike this tea; it tastes far too much like mouthwash/toothpaste for me. I tried sweetening it, and it didn’t help at all; I let it sit to chill (ok, I couldn’t face taking it to work nor bear dumping it out, so I poured it into a different mug and left it sitting on the counter while I was at work tonight) and it’s marginally better… tastes much like a liquefied spearmint candy, but with an odd flavour that I’m really not enjoying.

My roommate only tasted this post-sweetening, and it was way too sweet for her, so I’ll let her try it unsweetened before attempting to rid myself of this tea. Unfortunate purchase for me, but luckily it’s well-liked by most everyone else, so I expect someone may want it!

No rating because, well, it’s mint, and I really shouldn’t have ordered this one, it just sounded so good…

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

Now I’m glad I didn’t order this. I was tempted but then saw the mint. I don’t hate mint, but I’m pretty particular about it.


If you decide to swap this out, I would love to try it.


tattooed_tea – I probably will! No swapping for me for a bit though, I think, I’m just too busy. However, sometime in the future!!


Do you still have any of this left? My packet is almost gone! :/


Awww, sorry Indigobloom – I left my whole package with my mom at Christmas. She really likes it! :(


no worries! I’m happy it has a good home! :)

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200 tasting notes

Thanks to Rachel Sincere for a sample of this tea (and having an awesome name :-p).. I had heard so much hype about this tea and I just HAD to try it.

My first thought when sipping this was… Bitterness. I’m not sure WHY I’m getting bitterness because I used less than boiling water and only steeped it for 2 min. But for some reason that’s the most prominent thing. Maybe I shouldn’t have let this brew in a t-sac? I don’t know, I haven’t had problems with other t-sacs. I’m a little concerned it’s something on my end because no other reviewer mentioned bitterness

As the tea cools, the bitterness goes away and I do get the notes of mint and marshmallow. Maybe I’m better off cold-brewing this one? I don’t know.

I’ll have to rebrew this and see if it changes the next time. Maybe I’ll use more water. Unfortunately I only had 1 sample of this. :(

Rachel Sincere

Awwww, I’m sorry, I thought I had sent enough for two cups. :-( I’ve got plenty, want me to send you some more?


Well I generally brew tea 2 cups at a time since I use a large mug. It’s possible I used too much, though. I would LOVE some more if you’d be willing to send it. I worry that the Root Beer smell might have rubbed off too much on the other teas. It was REALLY strong. LOL

Rachel Sincere

Oh, jeez. I’m sorry about that. LOL I’ll send you some more Graveyard Mist. I’m trying to recruit people, you know, so that we can get it on the permanent collection. ;-)

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