Cinnamon Lemon Bai Mu Dan

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White Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
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180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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From 52teas

Here’s our premium bai mu dan white tea blended with cinnamon, lemon myrtle, lemon balm, lemon verbena, lemongrass, lemon peel and natural flavors. Pucker up for some deliciousness!

Our Tea of the Week for the Week of December 12, 2011

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

10 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

This white tea shines bright! The Cinnamon and Lemon are evenly distributed as well! It’s warming, but refreshing in a hydrating type of way. YUM!

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6107 tasting notes

Sipdown! 817.

This one also smelled kind of soapy while I was brewing it, but drinking it cooled, I’m not getting any soapiness, just a herbally citrus flavour with a bit of spice. I bet this made a great iced tea way back when it came out like 2 years ago! There’s still a bit of bai mu dan flavour peeking out here too, which is really tasty. Overall, a pretty good tea.

ETA: Second infusion was good; third started to taste too much like lemongrass.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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4843 tasting notes

Backlog: This is what I drank most of the day today. I resteeped the last of my leaves at least four times, and each were tasted, which is kind of nice given that my taste buds are compromised at the moment. Moreover, the tea was really soothing and I really needed soothing.

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525 tasting notes

I’ve got tons and tons of unflavored tea samples to get to. But I also have a couple of unopened pouches from 52 Teas. Since I was in the mood for something flavored, I went ahead and just opened one of my pouches. This particular one looked particularly appealing because the picture on the package featured a steaming mug of tea, and this morning has been quite chilly. This tea tastes absolutely perfect for a chilly morning. It would also be quite comforting for when you have a cold. The warmth of the cinnamon is truly relaxing. I’ve always been a fan of the way Frank does lemon flavor, but this one is a bit …less than ideal. There’s definitely a sense of herbal flavor here because of all the lemon tasting herbs that have been added. Yes, it’s lemon-y, but also herby.

I quite like this. Not my favorite, but definitely good. I can see this really perking up with a dollop of honey and spiked with some grated ginger. Not in the mood for sweet right now, but on the right day, this could be wonderful. :)

I’m really excited for the return of steaming hot cups of tea on chilly days. Love it! Unfortunately, it also means I’ve got to pack away my pretty dresses until next year. :( ah well. Time for cuddly sweaters! and puppies! They are so desperately cuddly when they are cold. hehe

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1220 tasting notes

When I first saw the name of this, I was kind of like mehhhh I don’t know. But my stomach has been really mad at me. Like, if my stomach was a cat it’s one that doesn’t know when to just stop meowing. I don’t know why I am using a cat metaphor here.

So I remembered I had this tea and thought it would probably be really comforting. Just the smell of the leaves made me feel better.

The lemon flavor is stronger than the cinnamon, and I still taste the floral flavors of the base. It’s really light and refreshing, despite having these flavors. I can’t believe how fast I am drinking it.

So really, don’t let the name mislead you. This is a nice blend of flavors, sweet and citrusy, with just a little tasty kick of cinnamon.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I loved the cat metaphor. Feel better soon!


Thank you! For the most part now it’s just the obnoxious growling that’s driving me up the wall.


That cat metaphor made me smile! : )

It’s amazing how smells can sometimes make us feel better.

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71 tasting notes

Just finished this after a night at work…I immediately had to try it again. It’s really comforting with a mellow flavor. The layers of lemon take center stage ahead of the cinnamon-which is how I like it. It has the perfect amount of tartness.
I bet this tea will be great during the winter months coming home from a snowy wet day and even iced for the summer. All in all it’s a great tea….it’s opening my taste for white teas

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