Lime Jello Salad Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
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Citrus, Lemon, Marshmallow, Pineapple, Lime, Powdered Sugar, Candy, Creamy, Sweet
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 45 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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From 52teas

This is for the under-appreciated hero of the Thanksgiving dinner: Every year, it sits there quivering, unassuming, bright and cheerful and fruity… and mostly neglected for the likes of turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes.

It’s not your fault, Lime Jello Salad, that your deliciousness is overlooked on such an occasion. Don’t look at me with those pouty marshmallows, condemning me for my turkey lust. Here, I will make a tea inspired by you, and maybe then I will get to enjoy some of your delicious flavors—AFTER I have some turkey!

My wife makes a lime jello salad with lime jello, pineapple, and marshmallow every Thanksgiving. I’m pretty sure I still haven’t tasted it, but it sounded like a great group of flavors to combine with our awesome Chinese sencha green tea. Enjoy! And happy Thanksgiving!

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

79 Tasting Notes

71 tasting notes

A great green tea. Smooth, sweet, has that authentic lime “jello” taste with marshmallows, yet still tasting the tea.
I don’t do gelatin, so this is a nice flashback from when I was younger

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec

I don’t do gelatin either (Vegetarian)…good to know! :)


should have said…(Vegetarian, as well!) :)
I LOVE that Frank makes (most) of the teas Veg*n Friendly YAY!!!


yes, I after I wrote my review I thought I should clarify what i meant ;) I assume people know, but generally people don’t know that gelatin is basically a bi-product from animal bones :(


Whoa!!! I did NOT know that!! Eewww!

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814 tasting notes

the most memorable review of this tea goes to CrowKettle.
you should do yourself the favor


I’m touched (and very red) that you would say that!

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226 tasting notes

Pouts I’m beginning to think that due to my allergies acting up with the weather change (slightly.) that it’s affecting my taste sense. I had thought that a few days ago, but I had hoped tonight I was more or less over it because my sinuses aren’t hurting, I just have a slight cough and chest congestion. But…I don’t know….the taste seemed a bit off with the last tea I had tonight, Pomegranate Oolong but I thought that maybe it was just that tea. Hmm. Maybe I should have a cup of tea that I know pretty well and see how that tastes.

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107 tasting notes

I’ve never had lime Jello before, but I’ve had many a lime Lifesaver and this tea tastes exactly like one (after I added a squirt of agave). I’m getting from this the same thing I’ve been getting from Frank’s other blends – a nice, full flavour. Because of it being the holidays and money being tight, I can only order a couple of the 12 Days teas and this tea will probably be one of them.

2 min, 15 sec

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523 tasting notes

Thank you for this one cheetah_pita (^^)

It certainly does smell and taste like lime. I even pick up hints of a sort of gelatin texture. It certainly lives up to its name. I bet my husband, who loves key-lime pie (and probably lime jello too) would like this one. I’ll have to brew him a cup next time he is around.

This is a fun novelty drink, but it doesn’t taste much like tea. Its more like a fun-flavored kiddie drink. With tea and coffee as the only exceptions, I’ve never been a beverage person. I never drink soda and very rarely drink juice. I’m going to have to put this one aside with all the other non-tea and coffee related drinks that don’t suit me.

This tea was a fun one-time experience. Thanks again cheetah_pita

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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105 tasting notes

When I opened this, I unfortunately was not incredibly excited about it. Kind of an odd flavor. It tastes alright… The lime flavor comes through nicely. It actually does remind me of jello. Not really a flavor I prefer when it comes to tea, though.

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67 tasting notes

As a child my absolute favorite gelatin was lime, so when I discovered this gem from 52teas I HAD to try it! This is definitely the grown up version of my childhood treat but with none of the guilt of a indulgent dessert. The combination of pineapple, lime and marshmallow root replicate the flavor perfectly while the green tea base cuts the sweetness to make for a perfectly balanced cup.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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39 tasting notes

Wow! Straight out of the bag this smells like fizzy lime soda. Not the Sprite sort of generic we’re-calling-it-lemon-lime-so-pretend-that’s-what-it-tastes-like, an actual lime scent. A flashback to lime-flavored Eno if there ever was such a thing. I brewed it up and it smells exactly the same. Flavor-wise this is heavy on the lime and it’s obviously not bubbly like soda nor does it have the sweetness of flat soda. I taste pineapple in the tea, which I didn’t smell at all before, and something that I think is the marshmallow. I don’t taste lime very much either, which is slightly disappointing. The green tea exists, I see it in my steeper, but I don’t taste it at all – this tea is quite baseless, and I wouldn’t have batted an eye if told it was a fruit tea or a white. Ah well. 10 points for smell, maybe 6 points for actual flavor. Looking forward to trying this iced.

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1780 tasting notes

Whoa there lime smell jumping out of the bag! Easy there! Down boy. Once steeped, the lime smell simmers down a bit and I can smell a gelatin scent coming through. I can taste the lime and the jello flavor, but I think this is going to need some sugar to not taste like super watered down jello. The aftertaste is the same that I’d expect with jello and it does taste better sweetened. It is a little unnerving that the gelatin taste is in there so perfectly, defying the laws of reality. I’m not a lime jello fan (pistachio pudding would have been more up my alley) and this isn’t one I’d feel compelled to buy again, but I’m quite impressed at how dead on the flavor of this tea is. It’s good, but it’s also just weird.
A few days after I had this tea I was at a party and tried lime jello salad for the first time and found it a pretty close match to the tea!

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6444 tasting notes

Sipdown (208)

I drank this the other day and work got away from me so badly that I didn’t even get a chance to write a note. I gave away most of this despite really enjoying this blend. A friend visited and tried graveyard mist and loved it so much. He’s a green tea fan and a new 52 Teas convert. Consequently, I gave him all the 52 Teas green teas I had because I knew he’d appreciate them more than I would. That said, I couldn’t let this go without keeping one more serving for myself.

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