Lime Jello Salad Green Tea

Tea type
Green Tea
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Citrus, Lemon, Marshmallow, Pineapple, Lime, Powdered Sugar, Candy, Creamy, Sweet
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175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 45 sec 12 oz / 354 ml

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This is for the under-appreciated hero of the Thanksgiving dinner: Every year, it sits there quivering, unassuming, bright and cheerful and fruity… and mostly neglected for the likes of turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes.

It’s not your fault, Lime Jello Salad, that your deliciousness is overlooked on such an occasion. Don’t look at me with those pouty marshmallows, condemning me for my turkey lust. Here, I will make a tea inspired by you,Read more

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

79 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Limey marshmallowy deliciousness. Another tea I’m restraining myself from re-purchasing. Sigh.

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec
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Fjellrev 12 years ago

We truly are twins!

Kittenna 12 years ago

LOL did you just drink this one too?

Fjellrev 12 years ago

As you mentioned before, we seem to have similar tastes. Love this one! I should cold brew up a batch of this soon. That purchase button will be haunting you.

Kittenna 12 years ago

Hahaha, gotcha! Yeah, the purchase button is haunting me… It was with Caramel Pumpkin Cheesecake too, but it sold out about an hour before my joint order was placed. Now, of course, I regret it :/

Fjellrev 12 years ago

Aww, it’s really that good, eh? I passed on that one since I wasn’t sure about it.

Kittenna 12 years ago

I really enjoyed it. It was definitely a blend I really wanted to re-stock, but the only thing stopped me was the sheer amount of tea I already have… and then it was too late :(

Indigobloom 12 years ago

If it ever comes back into stock, I’d go halfsies with you!!

Kittenna 12 years ago

I’d be cool with that. Now that I’ve missed out, I regret not picking it up, haha. Likewise Caramel SPice from DT :(

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15588 tasting notes

Cold brew of this today for my 52 tea of the day – still trying to manage to get a cup in every day when I can. I need milk from the store so that I can have the last of my caramel pumpkin cheesecake tomorrow. …or Monday. I have another sil cup or so left of this one and its been good to me so no complaints here. I prefer Della Terra’s lime chiffon, but this one is still super tasty :) just not always available. Heh

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Fjellrev 12 years ago

Is Lime Chiffon really that good? Because I LOVE this one. The rooibos in LC has been scaring me off.

Sil 12 years ago

i can send you a sample. I prefer orange and cream but i do like lime and lemon chiffon – the lime being a wee bit tastier imo.

Fjellrev 12 years ago

Don’t worry about it! I could always get a sample pack next time I order.

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1220 tasting notes

I think I’m gonna leave for a couple hours and see how that makes the parakeet feel. He hasn’t budged since I uncovered him this morning. I held seeds to him and he wouldn’t eat them. Arrrgh. I’ll just leave the classical music on and go to the tea shop, haven’t been there in ages.

I made this to go with my lunch. When Publix has top sirloin on sale I always buy some. So I had it on a panini and later I am going to have fajitas! I’m so cold, I had no idea it got down to near freezing this morning because I have no concept of time anymore, so I thought hot tea would go nice with a hot sandwich, and this one is light enough to not mess with my tastebuds while still having flavor.

It’s been awhile since I had it too, but I still really enjoy it. I like lime flavored things, but I rarely ever have any. I think I may only have one other lime flavored tea, and this one is infinitely better because of its additional creaminess. And as I’ve stated in past reviews, it really reminds me of holidays.

I think I like it better hot than iced. I have to drink it a bit more often to really decide.

CupofTree 12 years ago

Aw I hope little Sebastian is ok. That was a good idea to play classical music.

momo 12 years ago

I think he’s still trying to adjust. The problem is I have to take him with me next week to Tennessee, so I’d like him to at least be used to his cage by then. And hopefully there, because my parents have two birds, he’ll hear the obnoxious one and maybe perk up a bit.

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1792 tasting notes

Successful sip down. I ripped through my last pouch in not even a week. Kept cold brewing a 2L jug every day.

I’ll truly miss this refreshing, smooth lime marshmallow cloud. It’s always been one of my favourite 52teas blends, but as mentioned last time, I found this last batch to be a little more bitter than previous ones, so I think I won’t bother ordering it again.

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1445 tasting notes

Day seven

So, you really like hot liquid jello. You like it so much that whenever you see someone making jello you wait until their backs are turned and sneak a few of the freshly prepared cups out of the fridge before they can “solidify”. Of course, you can’t be around at the beginning of every jello-making process; that’s what the microwave is for. Sadly, your loved ones have started to catch on. They don’t understand your preference of jello. They’ve begun to judge you, even openly scorn you.

Luckily, this tea exists. It tastes and smells exactly like lime jello with a touch of cream. Unlike jello, however, people actually admire you for drinking this cup of hot sugary liquid. They say tea is “sophisticated”, “health-conscious”, “adult-like”. They have no idea. None at all.

Ha… no.

I’ve never had lime jello with pineapple bits, like this tea, but strawberry jello with pear is one of the many staple desserts that makes an appearance at Christmas and Thanksgiving. My Grandma was usually the one who made everything up but she doesn’t bake and cook as much as she used to. This tea makes me feel all warm and nostalgic, and remember all the good times from childhood. Thank you for that.

Yet another tea with marshmallow root in this neat advent. This one definitely asks to be iced. I guess I should try that at least once.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec
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Ozli 12 years ago

Ahahahahaha :D

Kittenna 12 years ago

Hahaha, love the backstory!

Autistic Goblin 12 years ago

I don’t like jello so I just ignored this one. Poor tea…

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4843 tasting notes

This tasting note has the distinction of being my 2500th tasting note! What that says to me is that I’ve been drinking a lot of tea, and not doing much else other than writing about it.

Anyway, when I opened the pouch of this, I was amazed by the aroma. There was always a jello salad at family holiday meals, it was usually a “7up salad” in which the jello was made using lemon-lime soda instead of cold water, and of course, there was always canned pineapple in there, and mini-marshmallows too. When I opened the package, I could smell that memory of 7up salad.

It tastes amazing too. I can taste the marshmallow, I can taste the lime and the pineapple, and it even has that jello sort of flavor to it. I am not sure how Frank managed to do this, but, it really is a remarkable tea… I shouldn’t be surprised because Frank is the best at what he does, but, this tea still surprises me. A little lemon-lime soda is all it is missing, which tells me that I should save some of this for the next time I have lemon-lime soda in the house, and steep it extra strong, and dilute with some lemon-lime soda. I’ll have a 7up salad in an iced tea glass!

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Indigobloom 13 years ago

Congrats on your 2500th LiberTeas!!! I love reading your reviews :P

Southern Boy Teas 13 years ago

Congrats on the 2500th tasting note. You really are a tea reviewing machine. I wonder if you could get a 20oz. bottle of 7up and cold brew this tea in it. Bet that would be yummy.

Ninavampi 13 years ago

Congrats!!! : )

Tamm 13 years ago

I almost bought this just for laughs. I don’t know if you’ve heard but the area that I live in is notorious for Jello consumption…

SimpliciTEA 13 years ago

Congratulations on your 2.5K review!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 13 years ago

Yay 2,500 congrats!

Serendipitea 13 years ago

woohoo 2500! That’s quite an accomplishment (and time commitment) ♡

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357 tasting notes

I completely understand that Jello is supposed to be a “fun food”, but I’m guilty of sucking the fun right out of it. For me to eat it, it must not have anything in it, or on it. No fruits mixed in, no ice cream, no whipped cream and especially no custard topping- yuck! AND it must be either : strawberry, red raspberry, cherry or purple grape flavor. If not I will scrunch up my face, shake my head “no”, stick out my tongue and refuse to even taste it. So it probably goes without saying that Jello salad is a definite “notta chance!”

YEP! I’m a Jello fun-sucking-snob.

When I tore open this morning’s 12 days of tea packet and saw LIME jello SALAD I automatically had a case of my scrunch-faced, head-shaking tongue sticky-outty protest.

(Aside: I must refuse to even look at Jello salad whenever it’s around because I didn’t know there were marshmallows in it)

I thought all hope was lost in me liking this tea. Both the dry leaf and the brewed tea smells exactly like lime jello, so much that I expected to see some of the jello powder mixed in with the leaves. I seriously expected to dislike this tea, so as I brought my cup to my lips for that initial sip, my face was prescrunched like the Grinch. But as the tea went through my lips and over my gums, my heart grew 3 sizes. “Huh! that’s pretty good!” I don’t think I’d buy a full 2 oz bag of this, but I will enjoy finishing what I have. If 52teas were to ever start selling smaller sample sizes, I would definitely buy that, which is saying a lot for a tea, I thought I’d have to choke down or feed to the drain.

This Jello snob was pleasantly surprised.

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Em 12 years ago

I can’t convince myself to try this. I do not care for lime green jello or green tea, so I’m pretty sure I’d hate it. Passing it all on to my 12 days partner in crime :)

Ozli 12 years ago

Ooooh, I have a weakness for lime jello! :P (Best jello is lemon jello made w/half water, half-OJ — TART!! Idk if that would work for you? Maybe with pulp-free OJ, hee.)

canadianadia 12 years ago

I’m not usually a fan of strong citrus flavors, which is odd because I enjoy eating actual citrus fruits. This one is pretty good, but with the strong taste, I can see how it may not be for everyone.

Ozli – I’ve never tried lemon jello with OJ – doesn’t sound like my thing, but I promise if I ever run across it I’ll at least give it a try.

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390 tasting notes

this is the most hysterically ridiculous tea!! (in the very best way possible).

i have biases against bananas, nuts in baking and orange peel that has dug into the pith placed in tea… but unlike many i have nothing against jello. it was an awesome dessert when i was a kid… i remember being lectured as i tried to taste it while i was stirring.

‘no james, see the powder at the bottom? it isn’t dissolved yet.’ and later ‘no james, see? it’s still soup— it has to stay in the fridge longer. you know i can still see you, right? put it down!… … don’t make me count to three…’ (invariably i wound up in my room).

jello evolved into salad mixed with whipped cream when i was a teen, and later still jello shots… now we entertain our teenagers by stabbing vanilla cake with a fork and pouring jello over top, finishing it up by covering the whole chilled mess with cool whip (we encourage healthy eating in our house? lol).

this tea is all of those things, AND it makes me smile. it caught me offguard. i swear i’m eating jello, and my mother is back to lecturing me for sipping it out of a mug. it meets my flavoured tea requirement of still being able to taste tea within the inventive flavoured convection. the green tea is definitely there and perfectly balanced with the other ingredients there.

in conclusion: dammit, i’m going to have to review my profile and list this vendor in amongst my favourites (it seems i’m constantly editing)!!! very nicely done 52teas. and a ginormous thank you to CHAroma for the boxful of samples from this company.

my only sad note is that it’s a one hit wonder, or in other words the first steep is awesome, but the second it becomes a shadow of its former self. STILL! this is a win. can’t wait to try the rest.

190 °F / 87 °C 5 min, 0 sec
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momo 12 years ago

this gives me all sorts of nostalgia too, that’s why I love it.

JustJames 12 years ago

i just cackled as i sipped. my wife thought i’d cracked, lol.

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Great review! Also vanilla cake with jello in it? Sounds interesting… I really want some jello now.

JustJames 12 years ago

yup, then shove it in the fridge for a few hours and cover it with stuff (cool whip is easy… sweet cream is healthier)…. =0)

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

I love jello cake! And I’m also one of those weirdos who drinks hot liquid jello. Yep. :)

JustJames 12 years ago

ahhhhh, it’s nice to have friends with similar habits. =0)

CHAroma 12 years ago

Muahahahaha!!! Success!!! I knew I’d convert you. ;)

JustJames 12 years ago

converted i am! just one i dislike so far… graveyard mist. blech! thank you again for my awesome box! has yours arrived yet?

CHAroma 12 years ago

I just got it yesterday, and I’m so excited!! Thank you!! (Graveyard Mist was really popular, but I didn’t particularly like it either.)

JustJames 12 years ago

sorry it took so long! let me know what you like/don’t like!

CHAroma 12 years ago

No worries! You can’t control the postal system. I’ll definitely write tasting notes for all of them! Probably starting with the Laoshan Black Chocolate Genmaicha. :D

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639 tasting notes

52teas 12 Days of Christmas Sampler 2012 – Day 7

Time for tea! The dry leaf aroma is very LIME. The brewed tea aroma is unexpected: sweet, sugary, & citrus-y. First sip is lighter than I expected too. I probably could have used more leaf. It feels like the lime is punching me in the tonsil though. Wow, that is some strong lime!

The sugary sweetness is only in the aroma. The taste is much more lime green tea than sugary candy treat. This is an interesting tea. It’s probably suited well as an iced tea. Maybe I’ll use the rest of the sample that way if I can remember to do so.

I gave the cup to my fiancé to try. He took several sips and said, “I have no idea what it is, but I like it a lot. It tastes round, if I had to describe it as a shape.” Interesting description, my love. I wouldn’t have any idea what it is either. Well, if I hadn’t cheated and read the description. :P

It is yummy! But just not a flavor I think I’d want all the time. I like lime on salmon and in margaritas. That’s probably about it. It’s weird in tea. I prefer lemon tea. Hmm, now to come up with a rating. This is hard! I feel like I have to reserve judgment until I try it iced.

I waited for the cup to chill and it does taste different cold. More of the marshmallow root comes through now. It actually reminds me of the Rainbow Sherbet from last year. It’s still not going to be a favorite of mine though. When it came out, I debated whether or not to buy it. In the end, I’m glad I didn’t. But I’m happy for the chance to try it and gotta’ give props to Frank for creativity!!

EDIT: Uh oh, just found some slimy gunk in the bottom of my cup. Yuck. I don’t know what that is, but now I’m really freaked out. Did that come from the tea, or did I not clean the cup properly in between teas? Either way, yuck. I’ll leave the rating alone though because I’m not entirely sure this is the tea’s fault.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec
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Babble 12 years ago

Ew. Hate when I find random things at the bottom of the cup :(

CHAroma 12 years ago

Yeah, it looked like algae. Blech. :(

Fjellrev 12 years ago

Love this one cold steeped!

Kittenna 12 years ago


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1353 tasting notes

I have said this a hundred times already but I really do prefer fruity flavoured tea for the most part. There are noteworthy exceptions to this rule, but what it all comes down to is that these various cake-y blends don’t really appeal to me. I can’t really seem to find the ‘cake’ bits either so they just strike me as rather gimmicky and bizarre.

Jello falls in that same category, if I’m to be completely honest. However, I have learned from previous experience to just disregard the jello bit and focus on the lime bits. Which neatly makes this a fruity flavoured green tea and there you are!

Due to various activities before Christmas and then being away over Christmas we’ve been rather stuck on these for a while. I’ve opened the rest so I know what’s to come, but I’m not allowed to drink them out of order, so we’re still on it.

It smells sweet and tart at the same time, and once again the thoughts stray towards the sweetie shop. We’ve had one earlier that was very bubble gum-y, and this one has the same sort of quality. A bit more winegum-y, though. Which I suppose fits relatively well with the whole jello concept.

Sort of.

The flavour isn’t so much a sweetie as the aroma, though. I can clearly detect an ever so slightly astringent and rather vegetal green tea underneath the flavouring, and I have to say that while the aroma wasn’t really pressing any of my hopeful buttons, the flavour rather makes up for it.

It tastes like a green tea with flavouring, not flavour with tea. The flavouring is fairly mild here, a little bit tart and a little bit sweet, but above all fruity. To my vast surprise, I’m rather enjoying this.

Fjellrev 12 years ago

This one is awesome iced.

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