Peach Blackberry Crumble

Tea type
Black Tea
Not available
Berry, Fruity, Oats, Stonefruit, Tannin, Apple, Fig, Peach, Spices, Tannic, Blackberry, Butter, Cinnamon, Pastries, Tart, Bread, Brown Sugar
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Edit tea info Last updated by Southern Boy Teas
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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From 52teas

Here’s our rich, extra bold assam tea blend mixed with dried peaches, organic cinnamon chips and freeze-dried blackberries. We’ve added natural flavors including peach, blackberry, cinnamon, brown sugar and a touch of butter (This tea is STILL vegan!) to crete a really unique blend of deliciousness.

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

32 Tasting Notes

70 tasting notes

The last bit in the bag was a spoon and a half and a winning measurement. Quite a delightful way to say goodbye: malty, frisky, and just the right amount of fruity.

Sipdown 57

Cameron B.

Ha ha, frisky! Love it.

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763 tasting notes

This was part of 52Teas the 12 Days of Tea. I had a cup of it hot in December and I remember not liking it as well as I’d hoped. I decided to try this one iced. Still not my favorite. There is nothing wrong with it. It isn’t bitter or astringent , but I think the flavor profile is better as a hot cup.

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2961 tasting notes

This makes quite a nice how morning cup, although I did have a second cup as a latte (which was also delicious).

Fruity, some nice spices like cinnamon. I get oat, cake/load, and molasses, also.
I do wish the base was a touch sweeter, however a milk or sweetener can fix that if you want more sweetness.

Flavors: Berry, Fruity, Oats, Stonefruit, Tannin

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78 tasting notes

I am disappointed a bit in this one. I made as directed but I honestly just don’t get much peach or blackberry or crumble lol. I will try doubling the leaf for my last attempt. My other 52 Teas purchases were great, so I am sure I’ll be back for more ;)

Flavors: Cinnamon

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1403 tasting notes

I am coming down with something flu-like: burning chest, raspy throat, headache, nose thing. Today is Family Day here. Hopefully, these unpleasant neighbours of mine will be off doing family things somewhere else. Their toddler woke me at about 2 am this morning and I had difficulty getting back to a solid sleep after that. Their 8 year old started playing some sort of pinball sounding video game this morning with the accompanying pings, dings, dongs, and shrieks when he got a goal or whatever on the thing. I pray that his attention span with this thing is short. Really short.

I try not to curse these people, but truly, it is hard. Really hard. Spending time at home is no longer pleasant for me because I can’t predict what my ambiance will be.

Is today going to be another drunken adult party with laughter and liquored up joking and screaming? Or will I be eating my lunch to the tinny sounds of video games and soccer game type cheering of the kid and his whole extended family? Or is the toddler going to be having a tantrum while I attempt to make my way through my cup of tea and a novel?


This tea though is fab. Despite my nasal and possibly tastebud issues from this emerging flu, I am getting a dense bread, like banana bread but peach, baked good type flavour, supported by rich black tea base and peach and berry and something slightly caramelized. Masterful combination of flavours. And the warm tea is doing wonders for my throat.

Flavors: Berry, Bread, Peach

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15139 tasting notes

finished this one up as well. I do like the balance between the peach and blackberry in this one. :)

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284 tasting notes

I’m still a day behind – today is actually the 5th day on our countdown but I’m sipping on the 4th Tea of Christmas from our 12 Teas of Christmas box.

I stuck pretty close to the recipe on this one – using an Assam blend rather than my often used blend of Assam, Yunnan and Ceylon. I chose to work with what I call an “Assam” blend – using a malty Assam and an Assamica tea (grown in China) rather than just going with just the Assam because I feel that the Assamica gave the Assam a bit more roundness. The Assamica is rather robust on it’s own and quite malty, but it also is a bit smoother than Assam and I wanted that.

I like this one – nice and fruity but also nicely dessert-y sweet. Plus, with the Assam base, it makes a really lovely first cuppa when you need help shaking the sleepy – which is what I am in desperate need of. (Yeah, it’s still a bit ‘early’ for me.)

After I finish this cup – I’m off for the rest of the day! (I get two days a week with my grandson – and today is day 1 of the two!!!)

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308 tasting notes

Peach and blackberry is one of my absolute favorite flavor combinations. This tea is a wonderful, slightly sweet, comforting blend that reminds me of my childhood picking peaches and blackberries in the Hill Country with my grandparents. Peaches are one of my grandma’s favorite fruits, and blackberries were one of my granddad’s favorites. So, any time I see the flavor combination, I cannot help but think of the pair of them.

There’s definitely some brown sugar and pastry goodness, but the tea is mostly blackberries with a bit of peach flavor. Truthfully, I could do with more peach. The black tea base is quite robust, but, once cooled for the recommended 10 minutes, I don’t find that it overpowers the juicy, fruity notes. It’s really lovely, both hot and iced.

Considering the fact that I opened my sample bag about 4 hours ago and I’ve just got a teaspoon or two left, I think I’ll have to start my list of teas to purchase on Boxing Day.

Flavors: Blackberry, Brown Sugar, Pastries, Peach

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6444 tasting notes

So far the 52 Teas of Christmas Countdown have been mostly teas I have not tried before (except for yesterday’s) which has been quite exciting. Today is no different. I scratched off the label to discover today’s tea is Peach Blackberry Crumble and as soon as I cracked open the package, the smell of the dry leaf made my mouth water. I measured out a spoonful which included a large peach piece and a large blackberry chunk ( and got to brewing.

Taking my first few sips, I realized I need to wait longer for the tea to cool since it was a nice black tea flavor but lacking any peach/blackberry/crumble notes. I divided up the August Uncommon teas that Sil and I are changing and then came back to the tea.

Drinking it now, there are certainly more flavors playing about in the mug. That black tea breadiness that was the only thing I could taste before has turned into more of a brown sugar and pastry note that mixes with the fruit flavors and what appears to be cinnamon to convey the crumble. The blackberry is contributing a great deal of flavor which is playing off the base, popping at times and blending at others. The peach, however, is fleeting which is weird since there really was fair-sized peach pieces here. I’m enjoying this though I don’t how often I would reach for this among my sea of other teas. Still, I am happy to have what I still have left to play with.


Seaoftea — that sounds like a great Steepster username. ha

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