I’ve tried both lengthening and shortening the steeping time, and nothing seems to help. The base of black tea is positively blunt. This is labelled as an “aromatic black tea”, which I suppose is accurate – you can detect by smell that there must be other ingredients, but your taste buds are helpless to find them. Since I recently found a chocolate mint blend that I really enjoyed, I was looking for that same warmth, and was interested to see how it would combine with the lighter floral ingredients. But both chocolate and flowers seem to be present mainly on the label.

“Tea in the Sahara” has some lovely blends and a nice gimmick, but “Vivaldi” needs serious revision.


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A lifelong consumer of tea, I’m as fascinated by the culture and popularity of tea as by the tea itself. For me, drinking tea is not just about notes and steeping time – it’s about the mood, feeling, and atmosphere that go along with it. I’ll try to stick to the format while on Steepster, but read my blog for more extensive tea reviews!



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