drank Bavarian Wild Berry by Lipton
737 tasting notes

I think it was a mix of the bag being old, and me not letting it steep long enough that led to it not being as good as it usually is this morning.

Oh, well. When fresh and steeped properly, this tea is pretty good. I find the black tea base to be astringent (I know, I know, that’s what I get for not buying the finest stuff on the market), but the berry flavorings are delicious. I taste raspberry and blueberry mostly, although I think there’s blackberry, too. My internship supervisor sniffed the air near my travel mug and was like, “I smell raspberry… or maybe even cranberry?”

Okay, maybe it wasn’t as weak as I thought.

I highly recommend these Pyramid teas, though. Especially steeped in a glass vessel.

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Favorite tea types: Black, pu’erh, oolong, kombucha, genmaicha, floral greens, matcha, yaupon, mate, rooibos, and honeybush.

Favorite flavor notes: Roasted, fermented, earthy, floral, nutty, bread-y, umami; dessert-inspired flavors like chocolate, vanilla, and maple.

Picky about, but not opposed to: chai, spice/ spicy, fruit flavors, and herbal tisanes.

Flat-out dislike: White tea, most unflavored green teas, hibiscus, plain peppermint.

90-100: Perfection and heaven and magic, all in one cup.

70-89: Good.

50-69: Meh.

49 and below: Blerg.


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