Good tea to have with dinner or before bed. It tastes like honey, but not so much lemon. Fine by me!

This time I tried a lower water temp, and it tasted much better. I’m getting into the science of proper tea-making, I think. I read somewhere that using boiling water on greens “cooks” the leaves, thereby damaging the quality of the flavor. So, no more boiling water on greens for me, even on my bagged teas.

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Favorite tea types: Black, pu’erh, oolong, kombucha, genmaicha, floral greens, matcha, yaupon, mate, rooibos, and honeybush.

Favorite flavor notes: Roasted, fermented, earthy, floral, nutty, bread-y, umami; dessert-inspired flavors like chocolate, vanilla, and maple.

Picky about, but not opposed to: chai, spice/ spicy, fruit flavors, and herbal tisanes.

Flat-out dislike: White tea, most unflavored green teas, hibiscus, plain peppermint.

90-100: Perfection and heaven and magic, all in one cup.

70-89: Good.

50-69: Meh.

49 and below: Blerg.


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