drank Zen by Tazo
737 tasting notes

This tea is a pretty good bagged green tea. I like the pleasant balance of spearmint and lemongrass. A dash of honey makes it. Steep it as long as you like. It’s a low-maintenance blend, good for those mornings where you wake up in a fog and don’t have the patience to deal with measuring and timing.

Its description is a only a slight bit overblown, but what do you expect from a company owned by Starbuck’s? (eyeroll) Pretension is practically encoded in their DNA.

Just prepare this tea like you would any old bagged blend, put some honey in it, and enjoy. It’s a simple -pleasure tea, even though Tazo’s marketers would like you to think otherwise.

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Favorite tea types: Black, pu’erh, oolong, kombucha, genmaicha, floral greens, matcha, yaupon, mate, rooibos, and honeybush.

Favorite flavor notes: Roasted, fermented, earthy, floral, nutty, bread-y, umami; dessert-inspired flavors like chocolate, vanilla, and maple.

Picky about, but not opposed to: chai, spice/ spicy, fruit flavors, and herbal tisanes.

Flat-out dislike: White tea, most unflavored green teas, hibiscus, plain peppermint.

90-100: Perfection and heaven and magic, all in one cup.

70-89: Good.

50-69: Meh.

49 and below: Blerg.


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