This is the strangest tea I’ve had, to date. First the good; There are no preservatives, no artificial flavourings, no colouring or other additives and it’s non-GMO. This tea is fairly simple with only two ingredients, organic pineapple and organic ming aralia. Now the not so good; the taste! It’s not that it tastes terrible, it just tastes very odd, courtesy of the ming aralia, which tastes like exactly what it is, a shrub! Off putting. I can taste the pineapple and it does taste natural and sweet but the flavour seems to sit at the bottom of the cup with the bag so it needs a good stirring before you drink it. I got through my first cup and admittedly, did not enjoy it so when I did a re-steep, I added some frozen pineapple chunks I had in my freezer to make the tea more bearable. I’m sure some people would appreciate this tea but it’s definitely not for me and I would never buy it again. Luckily, I have a big bag of frozen pineapple chunks which I will add to this tea every time I drink it so I can get through the box. I’ve rated it a 50 due to the fact that it does have good qualities but if it wasn’t so “natural”, I would have rated it lower.
Flavors: Pineapple, Plants
Love this tea but can’t find it anywhere to buy. I bought one box in the local Marshalls but very sadly can’t find any more. Please tell me where I purchase it!
Love this tea but can’t find it anywhere to buy. I bought one box in the local Marshalls but very sadly can’t find any more. Please tell me where I purchase it!
I got mine at Winners but since I bought mine, they haven’t had it back in stock and I haven’t seen it anywhere else. I didn’t like it so I gave my box away.