Okay Hibiscus Lovers…I assume this one is for YOU! Because it certain isn’t for me…well, let’s see…you know what they say about assuming…
I’m typing this as I try it…it’s stereotypically hibiscus. It looks and smells like Hibiscus therefore it’s hibiscus…sigh…
Bottoms Up!
Well, YES…It’s Hibiscus. BUT the currants seem to try to interrupt the hibiscus flavors…somewhat successfully but just short of a complete success.
It’s strange because there is that expected tartiness but then a bitterness and not really in a good way but not terrible either. I can’t get past the Currants and Hibiscus to find the Mango and Blueberry and other ingredients.
Oh well, at least I tried it once, eh!?
This is better as it cools.