Surprise envelop from Ruth today!!!! Thanks so much Girl!!!!
A wonderful handmade card and tea holding envelopes too!! Lovely!
This DOES smell interesting yet good! It’s a smoky-chewy-honey like smell.
Oddly…it tastes much like it smells…but not as smoky which is fine with me! There is a bit of smoke there but there is so much else going on with this tea that it works but isn’t in the forefront!
It’s CHEWY and yummy. There is a honey-like taste to it and it has a sweeter finish.
This is fairly complex and interesting and I like it very much! Thanks SO MUCH Ruth!!!
As it cools I can taste more honey – neat!
I love this one! I love just smelling the dry leaves. It comes in a foil packet in the tin to give extra protection to the aroma and flavor.