Fennel! Fennel! I smell Fennel! Oye! I hope it doesn’t taste as intense as it smells!

I love the name of this company and their logo! Just have to mention that!

This ‘steeps’ into a yellowish color. Smells like Chamomile and Fennel – just like it said it would.


Not what I was expecting…in a good way tho!

You know I am not into Chamomile but with Fennel it changes the way it works – I’m not saying I love it and would buy 1,000 boxes but it’s not bad for an herbal tea. Not bad at all…the more I sip it.

Show 2 previous comments...
Jason 15 years ago

Not sure I could do fennel in my tea…

Stephanie 15 years ago

Love the name, though!

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Yeah… I must say I was tasting Fennel for at least an hour afterwards…eeeek

Hazel 14 years ago

I must say that this was not bad at all…Infact, I feel that the fennel seeds are quite different from the taste of the fennel vegetable! And other than that – I thought it really works ;)

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People who liked this


Jason 15 years ago

Not sure I could do fennel in my tea…

Stephanie 15 years ago

Love the name, though!

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Yeah… I must say I was tasting Fennel for at least an hour afterwards…eeeek

Hazel 14 years ago

I must say that this was not bad at all…Infact, I feel that the fennel seeds are quite different from the taste of the fennel vegetable! And other than that – I thought it really works ;)

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