Smells of a fruity black tea. I’ll never get tired of the color of those ’lil flowers! :)

Post infusion it’s dark brown in color and the fruity scent blend in better with the black tea…prior to infusing the fruity aroma was more in-your-face.

I can certainly tell there is both black tea as well as fruity in this when I sip it but the play nice with each other and the fruit nor the black tea taste race ahead of the other. I’d say they are pretty “Even Steven”.

I can taste the flower at the very beginning of the sip but then it turns into fruit to never be heard from again. I’m actually happy it’s that way because then you taste the fruit and black tea which is the main feature of this flavored black. It works well!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
SoccerMom 15 years ago

I’m glad “they place nice with each other” lol hee hee!

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Don’t you JUST LOVE IT when the KIDS play nice!? :P

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SoccerMom 15 years ago

I’m glad “they place nice with each other” lol hee hee!

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Don’t you JUST LOVE IT when the KIDS play nice!? :P

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