Well, I decided to infuse 12 pearls…not sure if it’s because I am using a bigger cup/mug, because I like my teas (usually) stronger, because I am unable to follow directions, because I like to rebel, or all of the above!?
Prior and during infusion there really isn’t a scent to this white tea…or after infusing for that matter. The pearls seem to be struggling to open but I think that’s a good sign of multiple infusions which I am going to put to the test today.
Next to clear in color post infusion.
EXTREMELY light and mellow in every way. I can tell it’s a white tea but that’s about it. I infused for 5+ minutes. I will try much longer next infusion. This isn’t bad at all but it’s hard to describe because it’s SOOOOOO mellow, too!
I don’t think I want to put a rating on this yet…