Because of the way the loose leaf dried it was a little hard to get a few pinches out of the sample tin. But if that is the least of my problems I won’t complain. The dried leaves smell like a masculine candle, cologne, or air freshener – but it’s not overly scented. It’s very light in color – not too different from other green teas. There isn’t much of a aroma after steeping but there is a hint of earthiness. The taste is a cross between a florally-light-jasmine and a vegetable taste. The taste isn’t very intense so when the company’s descriptions says its name stands for safety and prosperity I suppose that may go a little further and I would say this is a safe tea…especially if you are new to Green Teas or don’t like the intense green tea taste. This may be something to try. It is a pretty pleasant cup, regardless.

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Auggy 15 years ago

It’s interesting that you say that it’s a safe tea for those that aren’t big green tea folks. I know I like this one but normally I’m not fond of Chinese greens. So, at least for me, you are totally right.

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Well, that’s COOL! Thanks for chiming in! :)

TeaCast 15 years ago

I’m surprised I haven’t had any Green Anji, as I’ve had most of Adagio’s standard teas (I have a lot of free time apparently), but it’s good to hear that it is “safe,” as green tea can be TOO green sometimes IMO :)

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Auggy 15 years ago

It’s interesting that you say that it’s a safe tea for those that aren’t big green tea folks. I know I like this one but normally I’m not fond of Chinese greens. So, at least for me, you are totally right.

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Well, that’s COOL! Thanks for chiming in! :)

TeaCast 15 years ago

I’m surprised I haven’t had any Green Anji, as I’ve had most of Adagio’s standard teas (I have a lot of free time apparently), but it’s good to hear that it is “safe,” as green tea can be TOO green sometimes IMO :)

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