I love how these leaves are so “matter-of-factly” – they are sturdy and stand their ground! Precise, skinny, longish green-grey leaves…lovely!
Upon opening the bag I was stunned with how FRESH and amazing the aroma was – very much like dark leafy greens, spinach, and something sweet…sugar snap peas, perhaps! Very nice! Powerful nose!
Once infused the aroma mellowed-out quite a bit.
The liquor color was that of a yellowish-green…bright but light with little to no texture to the eye.
As for the flavor…a tasty, slightly vegetal, slightly green-veggie type broth taste. There is a bit of buttery-goodness, to it, too! Very nice! This is completely FRESH and CLEAN and CRISP!
Mao Feng’s are among my favorite greens! This is superb!