This has been on my wishlist for a few years! Thanks to KallieBoo! I’m able to sip and write about it today! Thanks bunches :)
It doesn’t have the aroma POW I assumed it would have. But…let’s see what it tastes like, shall we?
Hummm…well…I agree with KallieBoo! and many others…there isn’t much chocolate in there! Hardly any at all! There is a little mint but not “just mint” it does taste like a mellower mint and something else but I can’t tell what exactly. Perhaps it’s just the pairing with the rooibos (and not an overly sweet rooibos at that) that I am tasting.
It’s not bad tasting at all! It’s just not overly minty nor is it chocolaty. It’s warming, comforting, and treat-like but was left wanting – much like KallieBoo! as well as a few others.
I’m so happy I got to try this one finally and check it off my tea bucket-list! Woot!