This was my first gongfu cha tasting of this one, because I opened the package for the first time while traveling and without proper gongfu setup. It just wouldn’t get bitter or lose a rich sweetness no matter how I abused it. I was bulk brewing it in my thermos and really impressed with the results under those harsh conditions, and became very eager to see what it could do when more carefully brewed at home.

2.3 grams in porcelain gaiwan, about 75mL water—1 gram/ounce
Water 205°F/96° C

1st, about 30 seconds
Sweet and rich, floral, delicious, marvelously pleasant

2nd, about 20 seconds
A little more spiciness in addition to the floral sweetness

4th, forgot at 2-3 minutes
Splendidly rich, floral, spicy, but no hint of bitterness

5th, also quite a long infusion
Less sweet, but amazingly floral and still very rich, deep flavor

6th, shorter infusion
Lighter and sweeter, deliciously floral

7, 8…and more, out to about a dozen infusions, probably could have been longer if I hadn’t overdone the middle ones so much.

I really like this tea, and particularly the staying power both when brewed gongfu cha and when I’ve bulk brewed it for my thermos—it still has wonderful flavor hours later, not to be compared to the fresh brewed, of course, but far better than most green oolongs I’ve tried for that use. I just ordered quite a bit more, anticipating a lot of afternoons at the office with the thermos full of this one.

2.3 grams in porcelain gaiwan, about 75mL water—1 gram/ounce
Water 205°F/96° C

1st, about 30 seconds
Sweet and rich, floral, delicious, marvelously pleasant

2nd, about 20 seconds
A little more spiciness in addition to the floral sweetness

4th, forgot at 2-3 minutes
Splendidly rich, floral, spicy, but no hint of bitterness

5th, also quite a long infusion
Less sweet, but amazingly floral and still very rich, deep flavor

6th, shorter infusion
Lighter and sweeter, deliciously floral

7, 8…and more, out to about a dozen infusions, probably could have been longer if I hadn’t overdone the middle ones so much.

I really like this tea, and particularly the staying power both when brewed gongfu cha and when I’ve bulk brewed it for my thermos—it still has wonderful flavor hours later, not to be compared to the fresh brewed, of course, but far better than most green oolongs I’ve tried for that use. I just ordered quite a bit more, anticipating a lot of afternoons at the office with the thermos full of this one.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 45 sec

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I’ve been drinking tea for 30 years, but only bought 2 brands of 2 different teas for most of that time. It took me almost 30 years to discover sencha, puerh, and green oolongs. Now I am making up for lost time.

I try to log most of my teas at least once, but then get lazy and stop recording, so # times logged should not be considered as a marker of how much a particular tea is drunk or enjoyed.

Also debunix on TeaForum.org and TeaChat.


Los Angeles



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