Following 105 Tea Drinkers

BoxerMama 124 followers

There are few things in life that I enjoy more than a good cup of tea and the...

Terri HarpLady 465 followers

I’m so excited to have found this community! I’m a self-employed Harpist (aco...

JoonSusanna 295 followers

My tea habits: *I am an unashamed Lipton iced-tea drinker (mass quantities, ...

Rob Rauschenberg 149 followers

I enjoy both the long history of traditional tea and the modern blends. Laosh...

looseTman 198 followers

My wife and I enjoy shou that: - is Full-bodied, thick, rich, creamy smooth -...

MissB 277 followers

A few years ago, the obsession with tea started. The cupboard got bigger and ...

TastyBrew 197 followers

I love tea. And I love beer. I spent my twenties thoroughly enjoying all that...

Evol Ving Ness 184 followers

A monk sips morning tea A monk sips morning tea, it’s quiet, the chrysanthemu...

Scheherazade 264 followers

Hi :) I’m Sarah, and I live in Norfolk in the UK. My tea obsession began when...

Hoálatha 51 followers



Some notes on ratings:

I’d have separate rating scales for tea types if that were possible (probably Black, Flavored Black, Darjeeling/Dark Oolong, White/Green/Light Oolong, and Herbal) because the flavors and quality markers are just too different. A flavored black rated 100 isn’t better than every oolong I’ve ever drunk, just delicious for a flavored black.

Ratings are a combination of my enjoyment and the perceived quality – I do often demote teas a few points for artificial flavorings, small quantity of steeps supported, or weakness of flavor (requiring extra leaf).

I pay less attention to the number than the order of my ratings; I don’t necessarily keep a stock of everything rated 80+, but if two breakfast blends are rated 82 and 84 I consistently enjoy the 84 more.

And in case it’s not obvious? I am not an expert. I don’t even know what I like until I taste it sometimes, but I’m ok with that :) I like learning to like new teas, as well as enjoying the comfort of familiar ones.


Boston, MA


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