Thanks so much for the samples, Plum Deluxe! I really wanted to try this – I heard great things about it. Featuring a honeybush base with chocolate, cinnamon, apple with banana and chestnut flavors. The base seems more to me like rooibos here. The flavor isn’t what I expect! I’m mainly tasting hints of banana and cocoa – but the cocoa could really be chestnut… I can’t say I really know what chestnut tastes like. I’m glad the apple isn’t more noticeable… that would be odd in a “banana bread” tea anyway. Overall, this just isn’t as special as I wished. The flavor is too light and thin and the apple might be contributing a lightness to it… if I hear “bread” I think starchy, strong, heavy. This tea is not that. The banana seems almost like a candy. As a banana tea, it’s good enough! Maybe a name change would make this tea more understandable to me.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug // 14 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // just boiled // 6 minute steep