MzPriss’ Unflavored Tea Box – Tea #2
Oh if only this tea had the flavor notes for me like they did in Kimquat’s tasting note. I’m gonna just copy & paste them right here: “Flavors: Butter, Caramel, Dark Chocolate, Fruity, Jam, Malt, Sweet” That sounds like my favorite tea ever!! I was hoping some would be left when I got the tea box! Sadly, if only the tea had a deeper, darker flavor, it would been a better fit for me. The cup is actually the color of honeybush, so this is as light of a black tea that you can get. I even used two teaspoons. It’s probably the lightest black tea I’ve ever tried, except for some of those golden yunnans but these leaves aren’t gold, they are very dark. So disappointing. It was a sweet cup though, just not enough flavor for my tastebuds to distinguish. The second steep I filled half the mug at boiling and it had a similar flavor. I’m not sure if Kimquat and I were even drinking the same tea, but I sure wish I was!
Steep #1 // 2 tsps. // 17 min after boiling // 3 min
Steep #2 // just boiled // 5 min?
It is a very light tea, The leaves are kept long and whole, which I think contributes to it. I haven’t really experimented with longer brewing times though.