I was excited to try this one and it has met my expectations. It’s a nice blend of medium sized leaves of varying shades of silver, charcoal, and brown. There’s some large leaves thrown in there too. The dried leaves have a sweet grassy scent. Wet leaves have a more sweet floral and nutty aroma. The tea soup for the first steeps have a deep golden hue and are very clear.
Great qi develops from the initial steeps. This is a throaty tea. Sweet floral notes and nectar-like textures cover the tongue. This combined with tingling mouth activity moves quickly down the throat. I can feel a warm energy in my solar plexus after the 3rd steep. Ferociously floral and tropical fruit notes continue for many many steeps.
There’s medium viscosity here, but good depth, longevity, a lot of qi, and serious huigan. It lingers nicely on the tongue and throat for at least 20 mins after drinking. Sure, this one is good now, but it’ll be by far more enjoyable after 1 year of calming down.