Drinking this classic tea while I cyber-shop for more tea. Living the dream.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. If you’ve been online much lately, you’ve probably already seen the Net Neutrality posts, but just in case not, this site gives a run down: https://www.battleforthenet.com . Basically the FCC is trying to use this holiday season to throttle the internet. I hate to bring politics onto Steepster, but I’m not sure we’ll even have Steepster for long if this goes through.
I know, but they’ve tried to pass similar bills over the last couple of years, and every time the public has raised such an uproar that they had to drop it, so I’m hoping that happens again. Comcast and Verizon just keep trying to shove it down our throats though.
Thanks for that link, Tamarindel. Scary times indeed.
I know, but they’ve tried to pass similar bills over the last couple of years, and every time the public has raised such an uproar that they had to drop it, so I’m hoping that happens again. Comcast and Verizon just keep trying to shove it down our throats though.
And not just them.
Right, they’re just the biggest and most obvious about it.