Last of the sample. This was a nicely done tea, but I don’t think it’s going to go down as a favorite, just because it seems I like the idea of chocolate teas more than actual chocolate teas. Having tried several, the only tea with chocolate notes I really love is Paris, and I think that has more to do with all the fruit flavors it boasts than its chocolate side.
I know what you mean about liking the idea of them more. It seems like such a difficult flavour to execute.
Yeah, a good piece of chocolate in itself is so complex — the balance between sweetness and bitterness, the texture, the cream factor, the richness, & on & on — I don’t know how you’d begin to capture that in a tea. If I really need a chocolate drink, I have no guilt about going back to my childhood standbys, hot chocolate and Nutella milkshakes.
Nutella milkshakes! Never had one but that sounds dreamy. And you’re so right about the flavour profile of chocolate.
I know what you mean about liking the idea of them more. It seems like such a difficult flavour to execute.
Yeah, a good piece of chocolate in itself is so complex — the balance between sweetness and bitterness, the texture, the cream factor, the richness, & on & on — I don’t know how you’d begin to capture that in a tea. If I really need a chocolate drink, I have no guilt about going back to my childhood standbys, hot chocolate and Nutella milkshakes.
Nutella milkshakes! Never had one but that sounds dreamy. And you’re so right about the flavour profile of chocolate.
They’re pretty addictive! I like to throw a banana in mine, but there’s really no wrong way to make a Nutella milkshake.