drank Mirik Valley by The Tao of Tea
260 tasting notes

I haven’t had a lot of darjeelings before. I think that I recall maybe having tried a couple, but for whatever reason I never revisited them and I can’t really remember what I thought.

I figured now was a good time to start trying them again because I got a couple from Auggy, so I brewed this one up today.

I think I like it? Unfortunately, I was trying to read a textbook at the same time, so my attention was a little divided. It definitely wasn’t unpleasant, but being at a disadvantage both because I couldn’t fully concentrate it and I don’t have a lot to compare it with, I can’t say anything definitively.

What I can say is that it was…I don’t know if light is the right word. It wasn’t light like a white tea, or even some greens. Maybe soft is more accurate. Yeah, that sounds right. I tasted a sweetness that wasn’t grassy, and it wasn’t sugary either… It almost tasted like the sweet taste I associate with green beans or peas, but…I don’t know, with more of a floral touch? I also, at times, got a woody taste and there was a bitterness to it when it began to cool. I steeped it a couple of times, and it didn’t change much from one to the next. I probably could have gone for more but then my stomach started telling me it was time to eat so when I got back I decided to move on to something more familiar since I was having difficulty focusing.

This probably isn’t helping you very much; I’m losing my trail of thought, too. But I wanted to get this down so that I would remember it when I inevitably try darjeeling again. It wasn’t unpleasant, but I definitely need to be drinking it when I can pay attention. If I remember what I’ve read about these correctly, they’re supposed to be relatively complex.

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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Former coffeeist, turned teaite. Lover of writing, reading, photography, and music. Traveler of life. Known to be ridiculous on occasion.


Virginia, USA



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