Ah, Stash English Breakfast…where do I start? This is the second tea of my recent bagged tea purchase. The other was Stash Earl Grey. Of the two I liked the English Breakfast best but barely. I want to be complimentary here. Like the Earl Grey, this isn’t bad tea. But like the Earl Grey this tea suffers simply because it come from a tea bag. Prepared one tea bag per 8 oz water I found this tea to be weak and tasteless. 2 bags gets a little closer to enjoyable but still not “strong”. The flavor is simply unassuming and a little bland. There is no astringentcy or bitterness at all. That’s probably a good thing for a first morning cup or an all day drinker. No surprises, no worries. Just tea. There is nothing here to make me want another cup but I would not object to it either.
It’s ok to drink but not remarkable. This is a solid “b student” kind of tea. You know, it gets the job done with the right motivation, but will never stand out and be noticed.