drank JavaVana Mate by Teavana
12 tasting notes

OH SNAP! This is fantastic. I’m on my first cup and am already debating what my second cup will be: another cup of this, or MateVana + hazelnut creamer that my friend just told me about.

It smells better dry than brewed, but I like the taste with or without milk. Actually, I might prefer it with milk just a teeny bit more. Definitely reminds me more of the lattes I used to drink.

For 14-16o oz of water: 3 tablespoons tea + 1.5 rock sugar, boiling water, steep for 5 min, add a little milk

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I tend to lean more towards fruity/flavored teas, though when I’m visiting Japan, I prefer tea sans sweeteners/milk. My palate is still forming, and I’m looking forward to trying new things!


San Francisco, CA

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