Quarantine life isn’t much different from everyday life as far as my schedule goes, but I do enjoy working from home. A silver lining in all of this uncertainty. Today is a beautiful day so I have windows and doors open to the back porch, and there are lizards on the sill and bees buzzing around our blueberry bushes. We are truly fortunate to be safe and well at home.
Much like Shanie O Maniac, I find myself lacking the motivation to drink tea lately, though I’m surrounded by it and am working right near the kitchen. I felt determined today to have at least one cup so I pulled this, my final tea from Plum Deluxe, from the bin under our tea cabinet. Yes, we are in overflow.
I’m so grateful to companies like Plum Deluxe who make such an effort to share and introduce us to their teas. They could have done many other things, or nothing at all, but they sent three full-size pouches of tea plus a sample for me to try. This is my last of the bunch.
I’m not sure if this is a chocolate tea, but I taste chocolate. It reminds me of one of those hazelnut-flavored coffees, though I don’t actually taste hazelnut. That’s just the most common nutty flavor I think of when I think flavored coffee. And it is nutty, especially as it cools, but it’s not specifically pecan. I really think coffee drinkers would love this. It’s deep and dark and quite flavorful.
Flavors: Chocolate, Nutty