I admit the one thing I don’t need in the pantry is more tea. Actually I think filling it with more food would be most appropriate. But its a guilty pleasure, and as I was visiting a friend in Lincoln today, I braved my shyness of entering the mecca of tea and went inside (well I couldn’t really chicken out since Jo was the one opening the door).

Lovely place with tea cannisters lining the walls and the most amazing tea pots known to the human eye. The gentleman working behind the counter was fab (esp. when I asked if its ok to smell the tea ;) ). He opened all the cannisters that had caught my fancy and I wandered away tea dazed with 3 news teas to try.

First is the Cherry Banana. Jo thought I was kidding about this being a tea flavor. I don’t kid. Well not about cool sounding teas. And this one had piqued my interest from the start. The base is black tea, so rest assured that it isn’t another mouth rotting sweet tea (which to be honest if you liquized candy floss, I could probably drink it…maybe even add sugar to it) but the gentleman did defend some sugar usage, if only to accentuate the natural sweetness of the fruit.

Cherry Banana Black Tea.
Oh, I feel too amateur to really review this tea the way it should be. Its mellow and full bodied and has a sweetness from the cherry/banana pieces that astound the mind. I think it actually blew my mind and reconstructed it from the bottom back up again.

Needless to say, damn good tea. :)

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Teatastic little me,
Lives by the sea
Cannot help but sip a cuppa or three.
Suppose its not so bad since at the end of the day
I’ll have a happy kidney.



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