Another sample from Amoda – the ingredients on the bag say almonds and vanilla, but the tea description says caramel, which is a bit confusing. It’s fairly similar to the Caramel Toffee Puerh I have in my cupboard, so I’m brewing them together to compare. It smells delicious, a bit more caramel-y dry, and a bit more vanilla-y once steeped. I used 3g of leaf for 10oz of water, two quick rinses with boiling water, and then a 5min steep. This is actually pretty nice. The puerh base is smooth and rich and a bit sweet. It doesn’t taste as sweet and desserty as it smells, but there is definitely some vanilla creaminess that really comes out in the flavour. It smells and looks so similar to the caramel toffee puerh I already have, but it actually does taste a bit better. When that one runs out, I might restock with this one instead.
Edited to add: Second steeping (7min) is milder in flavour, but still sweet and pleasant. Also, I feel like I could have a nap. Is it normal for shou puerh to make you sleepy?
Flavors: Caramel, Earth, Vanilla