16 Tasting Notes

drank Irish Breakfast by Trader Joe's
16 tasting notes

The only thing worse than Trader Joe’s tea is Trader Joe’s bagels. I mean really, have you tried those awful things? my friends have this story about the bagels.

So back in their old place i guess they used to have a raccoon problem. raccoons would break into the trash all the time and tear all that up. anyway one day i guess some raccoons break into the house and pretty much destroy the kitchen. they get into everything and eat everything they can get their hands on. everything EXCEPT for the Trader Joe’s bagels, which were totally out and they didn’t even touch them. those bagels aren’t even consider food for wild hungry animals!

so yeah the tea is almost as bad as those bagels.

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Cherry 15 years ago

That story is too funny.

takgoti 15 years ago


JustDuckyInNE 15 years ago

Great story.

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This tea is fine. I got a bunch of it free a year ago, and it really is a pretty tea. Taste wise it’s just ok. However this tea does make a really good gift for family members who maybe aren’t as helplessly addicted to tea as you are. They have a good gift set that comes with a clear tea pot and a few of these balls. Mom’s and aunts love these things, you’ll look like a good thoughtful kid.

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drank Ginger by Yogi Tea
16 tasting notes

This stuff is really good for blah blah blah. really this stuff is just REALLY GOOD!!! I heart ginger tea! and it’s cheap!

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drank Mango Black Tea by Trader Joe's
16 tasting notes

On it’s own this tea is pretty mediocre (what trader joe’s tea isnt!!). HOWEVER, if you like iced tea, i recommend this recipe.
4 or 5 bags of plain ole Lipton tea + 1 bag of this mango black = 3 quarts of some pretty decent mango iced tea. seriously, i can drink this stuff everyday.

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drank PG Tips by PG Tips
16 tasting notes

Amazon last year had an incredible sale where i got about 2600 bags of this tea for about $8 total no tax free shipping. This tea is much better than lipton. This tea is also stronger than lipton. I make a lot of iced tea at work and if you throw in about 6 bags of this into making 3 quarts of tea you get some pretty slurry tea. you’ll get some serious work done.

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drank English Breakfast by PG Tips
16 tasting notes

Amazon last year had an incredible sale where i got about 2600 bags of this tea for about $8 total no tax free shipping. This tea is much better than lipton. This tea is also stronger than lipton. I make a lot of iced tea at work and if you throw in about 6 bags of this into making 3 quarts of tea you get some pretty slurry tea. you’ll get some serious work done.

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drank Lapsang Souchong by Samovar
16 tasting notes

No matter what sex, gender, orientation, etc., this tea will put hair on your chest! This tea could start a fire it is soo smokey and tarry. With all that said, this is an EXCELLENT tea and I highly recommend it if any of this sounds interesting to you. Be warned if you are out drinking a bunch of teas, save this one for last it is very powerful.

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drank Ryokucha by Samovar
16 tasting notes

I heart genmaicha teas, I heart matcha powder. Samovar put the two together for an epic win! everyone has some pretty decent reviews already so I’m going to leave it at that!

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Not bad. Here’s my trick though!! Turn this not bad tea into an Amazing Taste Adventure. Go out and buy some decent local honey. Get a little airtight 1 cup size container. Put in tea, put in a bunch of honey to cover it up, then let it sit and soak in for a week. You now have epic “HONEY TI KWAN YIN”!!! enjoy the win!

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