Following 24 Tea Drinkers

Traveling Shrine 13 followers

Tea combines the all sensual, earthly, sacred, social, philosophical, and art...

Kristin 126 followers

Rating Scale: 90-100 – Love it. Must order this one again. 75-90 – Pretty goo...

~lauren. 209 followers

current profile photo: my teapot, teacup & saucer w/ Rishi White Peony Tea

Ben Youngbaer 35 followers

I am a tea lover in all ways. pure and simple.

spittingoutteeth 30 followers

My name is Jay and I live in Burlington, VT. I create motion graphics for a ...

Teafreak 101 followers

I began my tea adventure when a counselor at Spanish camp introduced me to ye...

iamdooser 8 followers



A tea geek (and also general geek) in Burlington, Vermont.

I’m drawn to the beauty of a steaming cup with snow falling outside. When I see a tea leaf, I see the long road and hundreds of hands that have brought it from the sun and soil to my pot.

I think that tea can be a way of life.


Burlington, VT

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