Teaopia in St Catharines, ON
13 years ago
Sara Lynn Paige rated this place
and said 13 years ago

Um, yes. Yes please.

I’m not a coffee drinker, and I used to be a nothing-really-but-water-or-orange-juice kind of gal, but over the last few years I’ve fallen into the world of tea. I suspect this is because the average tea found in the stores in the US is, well, terrible. It wasn’t until I moved here to Canada that people showed me the tea shops, and then my trip to Ireland made me a tea addict.

Teaopia is such a fantastic find! Here’s what I like about it:

The huge wall of tea, with names like “Baked Apple Pie”, “Chocolate Orange Pu’er”, and “Strawberry Shortcake”.
They let you smell any tea you want before you decide.
You can purchase your favorite loose leaf to take home.
They post the calorie count of each drink on the board.
The prices are great. When out and about instead of stopping at Second Cup or Starbucks, where it’s $4.00+ per drink, I can get a tea for $2.39. Yum!

The one thing I should note though, is that the Bevellie Tea Maker they sell (which is on my wishlist) is for $300 and it’s $239 on http://Amazon.ca.

All in all, I’m please with Teaopia.



I’m new to the tea world, but I plan on trying everything I can get my hands on. Bags, loose leaf, and stuff from my own garden (eventually). My tea notes will not contain reviews, at least for now, because I don’t really feel I have any authority on the subject. I’m learning, so who am I to poo-poo or rave about a certain tea?

Instead my tea notes will be the thoughts I’m having while I’m enjoying a particular tea. (And of course I’ll probably mention it if it’s so awesome it’s blowing my socks off.)

So welcome to my cupboard, and my thoughts over tea. Let’s be friends. And feel free to recommend me your favorite teas, I love trying new things!


Toronto, Canada



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