I ordered Teavana’s perfect tea maker yesterday (I swear it was yesterday) and it came to me in the mail already! I was soooo happy X) I decided to try this next sample from Zhi tea. It’s a very nice tea, similar to the Royal Courtesan. I think I really like the taste of these roasted oolongs. I definitely see myself reordering this one (and I don’t remember it being particularly expensive either).

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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My favorite teas are Taiwan high mountain, Anxi, Wuyi, and dancong oolongs. I also need my deep steamed sencha every now and then. I’m not totally into flavoreds but I’m always up for interesting flavors (like ATR’s Nirvana and Toasted Fig). My favorite natural flavors are roasted and floral.

I have a BA in Biochemistry from Smith College with a minor in Japanese. I have a Masters of Bioscience from Keck Graduate Institute in Claremont, CA.

I love J-R&B and J-Urban and used to do a radio show on WOZQ Northampton, MA. I also play WoW (Aireene on Proudmoore).


New York, NY



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