431 Tasting Notes

drank Rainbow Sherbet by 52teas
431 tasting notes

I bought this awhile back. It took me a couple of times to get it tasting the way I wanted. So make sure to have plenty of leaf and a short steep time. Honestly even with sugar with it being really warm the flavors were faint but when I let it cool this started to get pretty good orange,some lime abit of raspberry and a hint of vanilla with the black tea. This is pretty good cool and the flavors are nice and natural and refreshing. I really need to ice this.

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So I was looking at my teas and decided to find one that I’ve had for awhile. Before I get to the new ones. Dry this smells like faint apple and steeped the apple smell becomes much stronger and this tastes and I added sugar kind of like a tart granny smith like apple and then the black tea. I did not taste the buttersotch chips though. And I think this is pretty good although abit on the tart side for me. I got this from a buddy awhile back so thank you.

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I hope a cup of this today at the st louis bread company with a bagel. It was pretty good a little ginger a little mint and abit of bergamont. I thought this was pretty good.

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This tastes like peppermint,the cinnamon and a touch of vanilla and green tea. This is pretty good balanced and sort of refreshing to. Merry christmas and happy holidays to all.

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drank Honey Yuzu by Tea Forte
431 tasting notes

This was a free sample from teaforte thank you so much. This is a pretty good tea the yuzu is there and abit tart with a nice bit of honey and the pleasant green tea. I thought this was pretty good I added sugar but wished the tea had abit more honey taste then the yuzu because the fruit is just not one of my favorites. Overall though still a good tea.

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Earlier I had a cup of this with some sugar. This is a good black tea with a nice apple taste and abit of cinnamon.

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drank Swiss Apple by Tea Forte
431 tasting notes

This is one of the free samples I got from teaforte thankyou very much. This smells like cloves and cinnamon. I honestly did not brew this very strong I will see if the taste changes if I can get another cup. I have this and waited until just warm and this taste clove like then abit of cinnamon some natural apple and abit of chocolate. I think this is really good and am thankful I did not not taste the roobios.

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Backlogging this is a medium stength peppermint and is pretty good.

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Backlogging This is one I go to when it starts to get chilly. I believe this is a really good tea good apple with abit of cinnamon and a good black tea base.

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Backlogging I got this from Little Mew Brew thank you so much. This smells like green tea and fruity. And steeped is the same way only strong fruit smell. This tastes like fruit mabe with abit of ginger and a light good green tea. I think this tea is really good.

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Hi my name I’s ashley I am a female. I am 33 years old. And I enjoy tea. My birthday I’s december 31.

I used to mostly get decent grocrey store brand tea,until in 2008 with the help of others started into loose leaf and have enjoyed both ever since.

Likes,fruity green teas,white teas,black teas,fruity blacks and whites,peppermint,spearmint,wintergreen,etc.

Dislikes,red roobios,chamomile,cherry,pomegranate,really spicy teas,coconut,earthy teas,cranberry/unless its really mild, ton of hibiscus,cucumber,graperfuit,smokey teas,plum,ton of chocolate/although I can sometimes make exception,plain green tea,really floral teas,nutty teas,


united states IL

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