I think this is the second to last tea that scribbles sent me that I saved for the holiday season. It reminds me a bit of Glitter and Gold, which I finished up this morning, so I kind of wish I hadn’t tried them back to back. I did end up enjoying this one a little bit more because it wasn’t nearly as sweet. What surprised me was how weak tasting it was even when steeped for the full 7 minutes. With that long of a steeping time I expected a lot more body to it, I don’t think I tasted any of the black base. I do think this might make a nice tea latte, but I’ve been out of milk for the last few days and don’t want to brave the outdoors right now, I think it’s -15 outside.
I did want to mention that I think it is absolutely wonderful that DAVIDs lists what type of cinnamon they used in this blend. I happen to be very allergic to cassia cinnamon and the fact that it was labeled as such, rather than just cinnamon, let me know that I needed to take some allergy medication before trying this tea. I really wish more companies took the time to make this small distinction on their labels. It may not seem like much, but for someone with so many food allergies, it makes all the difference in the world. I wish I could purchase more teas from DAVIDs to show my support of a company that takes the time to label their products in such detail, but I happen to be allergic to a lot of their flavorings as well… stupid food allergies. I’ll just have to settle for giving them some of my business when I decide to buy more teaware, they have a few things I’m eyeing up.