Thanks to Katiek for including this in her incredibly generous mystery box.
I started cold steeping this yesterday when our air conditioner broke and I needed something to cool off with. I’m pretty sure my house is falling apart, I had to replace the refrigerator on Saturday and I’ll need to replace the furnace before winter sets in. What little bit of money I had in the budget for tea has now officially disappeared sigh guess I’m officially on a tea hiatus that I’ll need to stick to this time. [ok, i’m done complaining now so on to the tea]
I haven’t been drinking a lot of green tea lately and for the life of me could not tell you why. I love green tea and this one is really nice. The grassy flavor really stands out and the apricot adds just a hint of sweetness. I’m not sure I would enjoy this as much as a hot tea, but it sure hits the on a warm summer day.
Hoping things improve quickly! If your mystery box looks like mine – you can go a long long time just off what you now have.
i can commiserate: we live in a constant renovation… it’s more relaxing to be in my car than it is to be in my house most of the time. it will all be okay, i’m sorry about your hiatus. xoxo.
KS The mystery box was such a treat and full of a lot of things I have really enjoyed. I’ve been using a lot of the teas for cold steeps the last few weeks and should be able to continue doing so for a very long time.
JustJames I know that feeling. Our house was a short sale (pre-forclosure) so i’ve lived with 4 years of very slow renovations as I have the time, energy, and money (all of which are in short supply with a toddler running around.) It wasn’t in the best shape when we purchased it, but we were able to live in an area with much better schools for our son that we would haven’t been able to afford otherwise. I’m a pretty handy person, but we seem to have spurts where there are a lot of problems at once and it just wears on me after awhile. I was hoping to get a little more life out of the appliances, but it is what it is. I just have to remind myself how much better the schools are here and that it will be worth it in the end.
Hoping things improve quickly! If your mystery box looks like mine – you can go a long long time just off what you now have.
i can commiserate: we live in a constant renovation… it’s more relaxing to be in my car than it is to be in my house most of the time. it will all be okay, i’m sorry about your hiatus. xoxo.
KS The mystery box was such a treat and full of a lot of things I have really enjoyed. I’ve been using a lot of the teas for cold steeps the last few weeks and should be able to continue doing so for a very long time.
JustJames I know that feeling. Our house was a short sale (pre-forclosure) so i’ve lived with 4 years of very slow renovations as I have the time, energy, and money (all of which are in short supply with a toddler running around.) It wasn’t in the best shape when we purchased it, but we were able to live in an area with much better schools for our son that we would haven’t been able to afford otherwise. I’m a pretty handy person, but we seem to have spurts where there are a lot of problems at once and it just wears on me after awhile. I was hoping to get a little more life out of the appliances, but it is what it is. I just have to remind myself how much better the schools are here and that it will be worth it in the end.
It really sucks when everything happens at once. Hopefully ths is the last thing for a while!