I’ve been debating which of the many wonderful choices to order from Teavivre, and it occurred to me that I still have not developed a full concept of Liu An Gua Pian. Time to rectify that situation posthaste!

I brewed up a big tetsubin, using the full sample (I believe 7 grams), and the first excitement is just the sight of the gorgeous dark shale green leaves. They are long and log-like—except that they are twisted beautifully. Then, upon infusion, they unfold like papyrus scrolls to reveal the wisdom hidden within. The infused whole leaves—and they are big!—are a bright, vibrant green—a sure sign that this tea is fresh and something of a wonder, given how dark and hard the dried leaves are!

The flavor is more robust but in a unique way. It does not really taste like cooked vegetables and nothing at all like sencha. To me the taste is indescribable, as it does not seem particularly spicy. The liquor brews up yellow tinged very palely green, and the glass becomes more golden after a couple of minutes.

Given how unique and delicious this tea is (now that I’ve given it a full brew and tasting), I’ll be adding Liu An Gua Pian to my upcoming order chez Teavivre. Thanks so much for the generous samples, Angel! I very much appreciate your help as I continue my journey through the vast and fascinating world of China green teas. ;-)

second infusion: this was really delicious

third infusion: I recently discovered that third infusions of high-quality loose leaf green teas make excellent iced tea—and I can even drink it late at night! I’ll no doubt be quaffing large volumes in the months to come as I lie sweating before a fan…

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec 7 g 27 OZ / 798 ML

«they unfold like papyrus scrolls to reveal the wisdom hidden within»
Best description ever :-)


Thank you, TeaFairy! ;-) xxxooo

Terri HarpLady

What TeaFairy said!


Not kidding, I have copied that phrase in my special “favourite quotes” folder ;-)


I’ve added that tea to my wish list. It sounds so good.

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«they unfold like papyrus scrolls to reveal the wisdom hidden within»
Best description ever :-)


Thank you, TeaFairy! ;-) xxxooo

Terri HarpLady

What TeaFairy said!


Not kidding, I have copied that phrase in my special “favourite quotes” folder ;-)


I’ve added that tea to my wish list. It sounds so good.

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I have fallen off the “tea log boat”, as I am now in New Zealand and was really flailing about for a while, having depleted all of my Chinese and Japanese green tea supply! Fortunately, my first order of 2015 has now arrived! I should begin writing very soon about tea at my new blog, sherapop’s tea leaves. Please stop by and contribute your ideas—all viewpoints are welcome!

A long-time tea and perfume lover, I have recently begun to explore the intersections between the two at my blog: http://salondeparfum-sherapop.blogspot.com//

The scent of tea can be just as appealing as—sometimes more than—its taste! Tea also offers boundless visual beauty in its various forms and states of preparation.

A few words about my ratings. In assessing both teas and perfumes, my evaluation is “all things considered.” Teas do not differ very much in price (relative to perfumes or any luxury items), so I do not usually consider the price when rating a tea.

What I do consider is how the particular tea compares to teas of its own type. So I might give a high rating to a fine herbal infusion even though I would never say that it is my favorite TEA. But if it’s good for what it is, then it deserves a high rating. There is no point in wishing that a chamomile blend was an Assam or a sencha tea!

Any rating below 50 means that I find the liquid less desirable to drink than plain water. I may or may not finish the cup, depending upon how thirsty I am and whether there is another hot beverage or (in summertime) a source of fresh water available.

From 50 to 60 indicates that, while potable, the tea is not one which I would buy or repurchase, if I already made the mistake (I have learned) of purchasing it.

From 60 to 70 means that the tea is drinkable but I have criticisms of some sort, and I probably would not purchase or repurchase the tea as I can think of obvious alternatives which would be better.

From 70 to 80 is a solid brew which I would purchase again.

From 80 to 90 is good stuff, and I probably need to have some ready at hand in my humble abode.

From 90 to 100 is a tea (or infusion) which I have come to depend on and look forward to imbibing again and again—if possible!

If you are interested in perfume, you might like my 2400+ perfume reviews, most of which have been archived at sherapop’s sillage (essentially my perfumelog):


Finally, please note that after a great deal of debate with myself, I have decided to use the cupboard here at Steepster as a “museum” of sorts—to commemorate all of the various teas which I have purchased and truly enjoyed since December 2013.

I do not currently possess all of the teas listed in this cupboard, but am using the function as a way of recording how many times I drank every tea which I did own at some point and wish not to forget. Teas found both in my “cupboard” and on my “wishlist” are those which I did own and intend to restock. Teas best forgotten have been removed from the cupboard once depleted (in some cases tossed…).

I have also decided (beginning in 2015) to use the tasting note function to maintain a chronological record of the teas I’ve consumed since December 15, 2013. Most new reviews will now be posted directly at my blog, sherapop’s tea leaves.


Curio Bay, South Island, New Zealand



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