drank Milk Oolong by Gong Fu Tea Shop
286 tasting notes

I was little worried about this one, because the brewing aroma was quite floral. I’m not really a fan of floral type tea’s. Sure, my initial sip was quite floral, but I didn’t give up on it. As the cup cooled I found those creamy buttery notes that I enjoy so much in milk oolongs. The floral notes took a back seat as the cup cooled.

Steep two was even less floral, but the butter notes were still very present. The peach notes came through as well once the cup cooled down.

I’m surprised at how much I enjoyed this cup, despite the initial heavy floral aromas. Thanks to Cameron B for the sample!

Cameron B.

I agree, boo hiss florals! :P


:) Yeah, I have another floral tea that was gifted to me that I’ve been avoiding, but should really get to it.

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Cameron B.

I agree, boo hiss florals! :P


:) Yeah, I have another floral tea that was gifted to me that I’ve been avoiding, but should really get to it.

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My tea journey started in 2012, when a friend gifted me some loose leaf. I guess she thought I was drinking too much coffee. Blown away by the amazing flavours I immediately embraced the loose leaf tea. I still drink coffee, but my main choice of beverage is now tea.

My tea preferences are blacks, pu’erhs, oolongs and greens.



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