6 Tasting Notes

drank Dong Ding by Naivetea
6 tasting notes

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Not overly coarse like some of its green leaf brothers at The Fragrant Leaf. No, this one is slightly sweeter, daintily fragrant, and quite subtle. I’d rate it higher, but that subtlety is indicative of a white tea, not a green tea.

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drank Eros by Mariage Frères
6 tasting notes

It’s a decent tea, no doubt. I absolutely love almost everything by Mariage Freres, but this one is a bit too overpowering in the flowery department. But it’s not undrinkable, nor bad in any way. It just doesn’t rise to my idea of perfection that I like in my cup.

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I want to love this tea, but it is so hard. I love the other Mariage Freres, but this one has a twinge that isn’t so great.

I was once at a house party, and after spending the night I made boiled water in a clean saucepan, as this house had no kettle. Drinking the tea, I couldn’t help but notice it tasted distinctly noodley and salty. My friend told me that she had used that saucepan to make ramen the night before. Ick.

This tea reminds me of that day, every single time I drink it. Oh well.

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Fruitier than L’Opera, yet richer and heavier, so better for a kick. It can be overbearing, but this is one of my go to teas. Works well with honey. In fact, I wouldn’t have it without.

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I’m about half-way through. I bought 3.5 oz at Dean & Deluca for $20.That’s $11.50 for 2 oz (which is just a bit higher than the standard $6-$8 / 2oz at Teavanna).

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I live in SF with my girlfriend, beagle, and guinea pigs.





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